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  • The Struggle For Sea Power- A Naval History of American Independence – Sam Willis

    The Struggle For Sea Power- A Naval History of American Independence – Sam Willis

    A substantial piece of work by Wills on this important naval period for all involved.

    Published by Atlantic Books, London in 2015. Thick Royal octavo, 573 pages, heavily illustrated including important charts. Fine condition – hard to find in Australia.

    The American Revolution was a naval war of immense scope and variety – engagements took place on five ocean – involving the Americans, British, French, Spanish, Dutch and the Russians …

    All about the War of Independence at sea.


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  • Map Collectors’ Circle – The American Colonies – Bickham – by D Schrire

    This is No 27 of the Map Collectors Circle published in 1966. Its proper title is Bickham’s Birds Eye County Views and the British Monarchy, including the North American Supplement, in full reproduction.

    It is Bickham’s beautifully executed work … “A Short Description of the American Colonies belonging to the Crown of Great Britain Engraved by George Bickham Snr, London published according to an Act of Parliament 19 Dec 1747” that dominates and makes this issue – hence our corrupted Voyager title.

    Usual Original light peach coloured card covers, 42 pages, numerous illustrations and the aforesaid reproduction.

    A reminder of the past for those that care or cope.

    American Interest – Bickham in 1747


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  • The Printed Maps of America Parts I, II and III – Map Collectors’ Circle … R.V. Tooley

    The Printed Maps of America Parts I, II and III – Map Collectors’ Circle … R.V. Tooley

    The Map Collectors’ Circle publication published progressively … No 68 being Part I comprising 197 catalogued items over 24 pages with 24 pages of illustrations of selected maps; No 69 being Part II comprising further catalogued items up to 350 inclusive on 13 pages and a further 18 pages of map illustrations; No 80 being Part III increasing the catalogue to 573 items, including atlases.

    Published from Chiswell Street, London for I and II and Baker Street for Part III as they had moved in the meantime.

    All compiled by the great R.V. Tooley, in fine condition and carrying the personal stamp of published Australian cartographic expert T.M. Perry.

    A sound set completing the general issue on America with good provenance.


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  • The Compleat Plattmaker – Edited by Thrower – Six Distinguished Contributors

    The Compleat Plattmaker – Edited by Thrower – Six Distinguished Contributors

    Essays on Chart, Map, an Globe Making in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

    First edition published by the University of California Press in 1978.

    Edited by Norman Thrower who was the Clark Library Professor, 1972-1973. A collection of six scholarly essays by leading authorities, including Helen Wallis the Map Librarian at the British Library.

    Octavo, 241 pages nicely illustrated with some images rarely seen because of the focus of the essays. Very good condition.

    Content comprises … Geographie is Better than Divinitie – the Dyas of Samuel Pepys; Manuscript and Printed Sea Charts of 17thC London; Mapping the English Colonies in North America; John Seller and the Chart Trade in 17thC England; English Cartography 1650-1750; Edmond Halley and Thematic Geo-cartography.

    Special publication worth it for Pepys alone and Moxon’s pocket globe!


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  • IMAGO MVUNDI (MUNDI) The Journal of The International Society for the History of Cartography – Vol 38 – 1986

    IMAGO MVUNDI (MUNDI) The Journal of The International Society for the History of Cartography – Vol 38 – 1986

    Published by Imago Mundi, Kings College London in 1986. Folio hardback, 134 pages plus advertisements. Illustrated with maps, charts and diagrams. original blue cloth covered boards with gilt titling and device. Very good condition.

    An annual publication and the pinnacle of cartographic research. Superbly presented.

    The concentration in this issue is with North America. Three paper – First, Indicators of Unacknowledged Assimilations from Amerindian Maps on Euro-American Maps of North America: Some General Principles Arising from a Study of La Verendrye’s Composite Map, 1728-29. Secondly, Maps in Colonial Promotion: James Edward Oglethorpe’s Use of Maps in “Selling” the Georgia Scheme. Thirdly, The Rise of Maps Use by Elite Newspapers in England, Canada and the United States.

    Other articles include “the Turning Point in German Cartography” and a thorough “Census” of Pre-Sixteenth Century Portlan Charts.

    Extensive book reviews provided an excellent bibliography for cartography enthusiasts.

    Imago Mundi cannot be improved


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  • Map of the Pacific Ocean – 1747 Cartographer – Bellin

    Map of the Pacific Ocean – 1747 Cartographer – Bellin

    A nice early map of the Pacific (“La Grande Mer du Sud”) engraved in copper by Cosmant from the cartographer Bellin strictly after a map by Herman Moll for Dampier.

    Tropical trade winds are shown based on Halley’s 17th century wind map.

    One can see why his work became an essential reference for future explorers – Cook included. Interesting features such as the pre-Cook form of New Holland, California shown as an island and in the bottom right the Isles of Juan Fernando where Dampier was to maroon Alexander Selkirk of Robinson Crusoe fame.

    Price framed in a charcoal black frame and a cream mat board with black core. Please ask if you would like this item unframed.

    1747 Century Map of the Pacific – Fine condition … Click on me to see the full map!


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