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  • (Sancta Helena) Saint Helena Island – Petrus Bertius – Engraved in Copper 1603

    (Sancta Helena) Saint Helena Island – Petrus Bertius – Engraved in Copper 1603

    One of the most striking and coveted island maps from the early 17th Century – Saint Helena in the South Atlantic home for Napoleon after his second capture.

    Engraved by Benjamin Wright for the great geographer Petrus Bertius and published by Cornelis Claesz in Amsterdam in 1603 for the “Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri”

    Distinctively signed by the elusive Wright in his abbreviated fashion near the bottom center of the plate.

    Map 12cm by 9cm to the printed borders. A Voyager favourite.

    Price framed in Voyager Miniature map style in beaded gilt frame with gilt fillet. Unframed will be $180.00.


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  • First Discovery  of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    Cornerstone book on the early exploration of Australia / New Guinea … a Voyager favourite/

    A narrative on the Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian Regions, between the Years 1492-1606, with descriptions of their old charts.

    Octavo, 132 pages the appendices with maps striking maps and images throughout. Published by Brooks, Sydney in 1906. Original green cloth covered binding with gilt title at front, bumped and rubbed, previous ownership signatures, very good internally.

    Includes the 16th century voyages to the spice islands and the discovery of New Guinea, the Villalobos Expedition and further discoveries in Papua, Jave-le-Grande and the early map of Australia, the maps of Pierre Descelier, and Deslien. The discovery of the Solomons by Mendana and Sarmiento with an early map and of course Queiroz voyage to Espiritu- Santo and Torres and his important discoveries.

    Frontispiece map and many others mostly coloured plus black and white illustrations and a useful chronology.

    Collingridge on the early discoveries.


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  • Map Collectors’ Circle – The American Colonies – Bickham – by D Schrire

    This is No 27 of the Map Collectors Circle published in 1966. Its proper title is Bickham’s Birds Eye County Views and the British Monarchy, including the North American Supplement, in full reproduction.

    It is Bickham’s beautifully executed work … “A Short Description of the American Colonies belonging to the Crown of Great Britain Engraved by George Bickham Snr, London published according to an Act of Parliament 19 Dec 1747” that dominates and makes this issue – hence our corrupted Voyager title.

    Usual Original light peach coloured card covers, 42 pages, numerous illustrations and the aforesaid reproduction.

    A reminder of the past for those that care or cope.

    American Interest – Bickham in 1747


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  • Voyage along the Eastern Coast of Africa to Mosambique, Johanna, and Quiloa; to St Helena; to Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco in Brazil, in the Nisus Frigate – James Prior RN – 1819

    Voyage along the Eastern Coast of Africa to Mosambique, Johanna, and Quiloa; to St Helena; to Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco in Brazil, in the Nisus Frigate – James Prior RN – 1819

    A first edition of this full on voyage and travel account by the articulate James Prior. Published by Sir Richard Phillips & Co, London in 1819.

    A lovely internal copy rebound in grey/green paper covered boards, as was typical of a primary binding of the true period, gilt on red leather title to spine. Octavo, 114 pages with special three fold map dated 1810 drawn by W M Cobb RN, also printed by Phillips. Another folding chart of the Harbour at Mozambique (note the different spelling) and a striking engraved view of the Town and Fort at Mozambique.

    Well we have to be careful as this book is right in Voyager’s sweet spot. The narrative content is far fuller physically than the 114 pages suggest. First simply due to the format and the lines and words set per page, but also because Prior’s writing style is honed and full of interesting detail – no padding.

    The long title gives you an idea of the coverage. Voyager’s favourite island, St Helena, is tackled well and one gets a great idea of the first impression on approach and the manner and detail of James Town and the various Plantation houses up “Ladder Hill” … “Ruperts Hill” etc.

    Not in the title we also learn about the Comoro Islands … out from Mozambique and north west of Madagascar … this group of four ex volcanic islands probably the most beautiful place in the World. The Comoro islands was the primary reason behind the voyage as the King of Comoro had sought help against “predatory expeditions” of several thousand warriors from Madagascar. War was not the solution conferences were held – we can learn from that.

    Good content on Rio and Brazil so don’t be confused by the lead in to the title …

    Taking you back to the beginning and Prior has arrived at Cape Town where of all things he is off to the races … “the course is on Green Point, on the verge of the Bay: it was attended my multitudes, some in handsome vehicles … filled with females of every age, class and complexion. A dinner to the members concluded the meeting, followed of course by a ball … and the amusements of the week finished, on Saturday, with a private race, a cock-fight, the execution of several malefactors near the ground, and a dual between two gentlemen holding official situations, nearly fatal; so that we could not complain of want of variety”

    We had to show you this even though it is not typical of the narrative – different times!

    Interesting early 19thC Voyage from east Africa to Brazil


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  • Queensland – Pugh’s Almanac 1886

    Queensland – Pugh’s Almanac 1886

    The essential publication of the day … Pugh’s Almanac, Law Calendar, Coast Guide and Gazetteer and “Men of the Time” for 1886

    536 pages followed by 94 pages of business advertisements to the rear and more at the front and the odd one inserted.

    Carries the bookplate of Alan McKiness who was perhaps the greatest ever collector of all things Queensland on paper. Also, overlapped by Alan’s bookplate that of his father D.H. McInnes – an engraving of the Endeavour. Now protected in a sturdy red cloth covered solander case with label to spine. The almanac is in pretty good condition with a black rebind at an early date, Brisbane bookbinders ticket again partly obscured by Alan’s bookplate..

    Always difficult to give justice to these incredible almanacs which contain so much information that to read from cover to cover would occupy the year. Essential information matted with trivia which we find illuminating. 8th June steamer “Victoria” chartered to take islanders home, left for Townsville with Government party under leadership of Lieut. Chester” – marks the end of blackbirding. On the 14th June Victoria sets off wit 405 illegally obtained islanders for the south Sea islands etc. 11th February – English cricketers left on the steamer Wentworth for Sydney- Reported that $10,000 has been offered by the Fenians for the Prince of Wales dead or alive. 3rd March England warn Russia on Afghanistan. 11th November – Massacre of Geographical Society Expedition on the Fly River. 23rd December – the New Guinea expedition reported to be massacred arrived at Cooktown in the “Benito” all well!

    Large folding graphical chart of rainfall and wet days (67cm by 40cm).

    Large folding map of Queensland (66cm by 56cm) showing the rainfall in 1884

    Section on Statistics; Sailing Directions, colour fold out of signals in force, comprehensive and a good chapter on “Progress in the Colony”.

    As you can imagine near 100 pages of period advertisements make good reading for those that are interested in the history of business in Queensland. Tow we would like to point out – John Lennon announcing the opening of his new Hotel in Queens Street … still going today and a full page add by John Petrie, obviously going quite well .. Queensland history buffs would understand the significance.

    A good Almanac with map etc., nicely cased – 1886


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  • Cartography -The Cape of Good Hope 1782-1842 – from De la Rochette to Arrowsmith

    Cartography -The Cape of Good Hope 1782-1842 – from De la Rochette to Arrowsmith

    The Map Collectors’ Circle publication published in 1965, No 17 by D Schire. Very good condition.

    Usual original flesh coloured card covers, design to front. 16 pages of detailed narrative and catalogue plus 15 plates of maps. Very good condition .. the covers look a little blemished but its our scanner – they are perfect.

    Whilst the 1782 date refers to the maps by de la Rochette published between 1782 and 1795, we also have the Faden Plan of the Town of Cape of Good Hope which whilst published in 1795 is as a result of work completed and noted within the map in 1770.

    After a very good introductory narrative, we have a single page of selected dates commencing with the District of Swellendham being proclaimed in 1743.

    Cape of Good Hope and some super cartography


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