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  • The Accursed Thing; or The Causes of Our Public Calamities Stated and Explained – A Sermon – Rev James Robertson – 1800

    The Accursed Thing; or The Causes of Our Public Calamities Stated and Explained – A Sermon – Rev James Robertson – 1800

    Rev James Robertson was the Presbyterian Minister in the little village of Thropton Northumberland, England. This lengthy and strangely interesting sermon was published as a pamphlet by Elder of Edinburgh and others in 1800. Octavo, 35 pages, here nicely presented in a modern protective binding. Very clean for its age and well printed. Impossible to find another one we believe.

    England was at war with France … the Minister has little respect for the enemy and for others that displeased higher ruling.

    His concluding comment from Isiah and Psalm 69 are pertinent to now … “Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand, for God is with us. He will save Zion, and build the cities of Judah, the posterity of his saints shall inherit it, and they that love his name shall dwell therein”

    Maybe some in power around the World just need to think this through.

    A Sermon with a strong message – Unique 1800


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  • Hindu Life and Customs – The Sunwheel – Helen Gordon 1935

    Hindu Life and Customs – The Sunwheel – Helen Gordon 1935

    First edition published by King, London in 1935. The author was Lady Russell a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

    Octavo, 220 pages, end paper maps of South India [Northern] to front and South India [Southern] to back. Many illustrations from relevant black and white photographs [of good quality] and a few brightly coloured decorative plates – frontispiece of Arunja driving the Chariot of the Sun.

    For anyone wanting a fairly thorough introduction to Hindu life and customs this is the book set out in three Parts – Plateau, Plains and Hills [incl. village life, salutation to Siva, incense rock, blue mountains]; Hindu Temples and Their Gods [incl. great festivals, cult of Minakshi, marriage of the Gods]; Hindu States and Their Rulers [incl. travels in the Land of the Celestials, birthday festivities, pantomime and dance].

    The whole ends with a good bibliography for those that wish to explore further, glossary and useful index.

    The Hindu World for those that wish to understand it.


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  • Portraiture of Socrates – Catherall – 1717

    Portraiture of Socrates – Catherall – 1717

    An extremely scarce work and one of the great 18th Century scholarly works in English re Socrates.

    Longer title from front – Eikon Sokratike Or, a Portraiture of Socrates, Extracted out of Plato. In Blank Verse by Sam. Catherall, A.B. and Fellow Oriel College, Oxon.

    Unbound as issued, amazing even though worn, that it has survived in this form for over three hundred years. Printed at Oxford by Lichfield and Peisley and sold by Knapton et al Booksellers in London 1717.

    Title reflects the “Imprimatur” of Jo. Baron Vice-Can, Oxon Ball. [Balliol] College Oxon June 17, 1717.

    Octavo, sewn as issued, 6, 53, pages, old water stain now faded. Ownership signature dated 1726 on title.

    The quite lengthy Preface by the translator is so humble we could all learn from it today. He explains his approach, omissions and limitations … he is obviously a great fan of Plato and Socrates – and why not they both had a good approach to life and focussed on meaningful thought and actions.

    All up there are 36 “Dialogues” by Plato that feature Socrates as the central character – here we have Socrates at the Bar (Trial); Socrates in Prison; Socrates Discoursing on the Immorality of the Soul with Crito, and Simmias; Socrates about to drink Poison, Discoursing with Crito in the Presence of all his Friends … interesting the work ends FINIS … which it did.

    Socrates by Plato and then Catherall at Oxford – 1717 – the pointy bits


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  • Kushan Empire Artefact (First Century BCE) – Hand Holding a Serpent by the Head

    Kushan Empire Artefact (First Century BCE) – Hand Holding a Serpent by the Head

    A fragment well carved in the red sandstone of the region. From the Kushan Empire of Northern India and beyond, circa 1st – 2nd Century BCE. A lovely and curious example.

    Dimensions roughly 10cm x 9cm x 8cm; 16cm high on its stand; weighs 450gm. The simple stand is all that is needed to make this unusual sculpture accessible. Acquired by Voyager from a broader beautiful private collection.

    The Kushan Empire was then at the heart of the world between the Roman Empire in the west and the Chinese Han Dynasty in the east. They were heavily influenced by the Greeks and in the earlier years used the Greek alphabet and language for official matters.

    The hand here is interesting and the grip unusual but likely the best way to hold a serpent or snake which students of the region will know had special meaning … the snakes not the way of holding.

    Special for its age, origin and symbolism. A pretty unique item.


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  • The Voyage of the Duff – A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean 1796-1798 – Captain James Wilson

    The Voyage of the Duff – A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean 1796-1798 – Captain James Wilson

    I our opinion one of the best produced facsimiles of one of the great late 18thC voyages to the Pacific. The standard likely because of the publisher Frederick Praeger, New York etc., printed in Austria with that quality.

    The fact that the large folding maps and folding plates have all been reproduced is a production delight most others avoid .. maybe you get one in that form .. here we have them all.

    Small quarto, 420 pages, illustrated as described above the original a masterpiece of cartography and engraving. Very good condition.

    Super informative introduction by Irmgard Moschner of the Vienna Museum.

    If you look elsewhere on our site we have the original issue of this volume for sale .. but not at this price.

    Full title … A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean Performed in the Years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the Ship Duff, Commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from Journals of the Officers and the Missionaries; and Illustrated with Maps, Charts and Views Drawn by Mr William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent Artists. With a Preliminary Discourse on the Geography and History of the South Sea Islands; and an Appendix, including details never before published, of the Natural and Civil State of Otaheite.

    An early voyage to the Pacific, undertaken for the purpose of establishing a mission in Tahiti, and a settlement of 25 persons was formed. Though the King befriended them, they met with continual difficulties because of civil wars and were finally forced to flee to Australia, though returning some time later in 1815. The work contains many valuable details regarding Tahiti, the Fiji Islands, Tonga, the Marquesas, etc. The discovery of a new group of islands, named the Duff Group among the Santa Cruz Islands. The narrative is full and readable with considerable valuable observation – not at all in the often dry “missionary” style. Stands, in our view, as a key read in the early Pacific Voyages genre.

    The folding “Chart of the Duff’s Track in the Pacific Ocean” was the first map to use the name Australia than New Holland. Other important maps comprise – Feejee Islands; Marquesas Islands; Duff’s Group; Gambier Islands; Island of Otaheite and Island of Tongataboo.

    Views comprise … Harbour of Rio Janeiro; Missionary Settlement at Matavai; View of Tallo Harbour; Great Morai of Oberca; Morai and Ark of the Eatooa at Attahooroo and Fiatookas of Futtasaihe.

    The 18thC Voyage of The Duff up there with the best


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  • To Greenland’s Icy Mountains  – Eve Garnett – First Edition 1968

    To Greenland’s Icy Mountains – Eve Garnett – First Edition 1968

    A semi fictionalised account of Hans Egede, Explorer and Missionary who in the early 18thC went in search of the descendants of 10thC Christians who went to the West Coast of Greenland.

    Egede was in Greenland between 1797-1718. The author makes Egede’s story come alive as if it was yesterday.

    Published by Heinemann, London in 1968, a first edition. Octavo, 190 pages, well illustrated with frontispiece portrait, sketches by the author and images from appropriate photographs, maps and charts. Good condition albeit front free end paper excised.

    Inspirational Greenland Story


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