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Pacific Islands

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  • Lord Howe Island – Jean Edgecombe.

    Lord Howe Island – Jean Edgecombe.

    A first edition softcover published in 1987. Published by Australian Environmental Publications, Mullens Street, Balmain [effectively self published].

    151 pages, heavily illustrated, including some good images in colour from relevant photographs. Large, detailed fold out map provided separately. A very good copy.

    Jean Edgecombe was indeed the best writer on Lord Howe and Norfolk Island. Starts with a good history re discovery and early settlement before excellent work on the geography and abundant natural history. Dick Smith’s foray to top Ball’s Pyramid gets an airing.

    Lord Howe another special island location


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  • First Discovery  of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    Cornerstone book on the early exploration of Australia / New Guinea … a Voyager favourite/

    A narrative on the Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian Regions, between the Years 1492-1606, with descriptions of their old charts.

    Octavo, 132 pages the appendices with maps striking maps and images throughout. Published by Brooks, Sydney in 1906. Original green cloth covered binding with gilt title at front, bumped and rubbed, previous ownership signatures, very good internally.

    Includes the 16th century voyages to the spice islands and the discovery of New Guinea, the Villalobos Expedition and further discoveries in Papua, Jave-le-Grande and the early map of Australia, the maps of Pierre Descelier, and Deslien. The discovery of the Solomons by Mendana and Sarmiento with an early map and of course Queiroz voyage to Espiritu- Santo and Torres and his important discoveries.

    Frontispiece map and many others mostly coloured plus black and white illustrations and a useful chronology.

    Collingridge on the early discoveries.


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  • Norfolk Island [Historical Verse]  – Merval Connelly – First edition 1951

    Norfolk Island [Historical Verse] – Merval Connelly – First edition 1951

    A first edition published by the quality Pegasus Press, Christchurch in 1951.

    This continues a theme at Voyager … historical poetry of quality.

    Octavo, 45 pages, illustrated with beautiful woodcut engravings by Gordan McAuslan. Good complete dust jacket. Very good condition.

    Set out in two distinct parts …

    Part I .. Captain Cook discovers the island; These sailed not for pleasure nor knowledge; First convict settlement; The years between; Second convict settlement; The second penal settlement closes; The coming of the Pitcairners.

    Part II … Norfolk pines; In the valleys; Seascape; Cypresses and Banyan trees; Island nocturne; One wonders about the women; The legend of Bloody Bridge; Poem written at Kingston.

    When we finished reading this book of poetry we were left with a better understanding of this unique place and its history and beauty.

    Norfolk Island in verse – a delightful history.


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  • Lord Howe Island – Its Discovery and Early Associations 1788 to 1888 – Harold Rabone

    Lord Howe Island – Its Discovery and Early Associations 1788 to 1888 – Harold Rabone

    Published Sydney in 1972. This little card cover, 54 pages, illustrated, maps and nice images from photographs is a gem for any Norfolk Island devotee.

    Every time I look at images of Lord Howe I just want to go and live there … probably don’t qualify. The early history is interesting and we find that Ball’s Pyramid, perhaps the most striking rock in the World … (up there with Old Man Of Hoy) was spotted by Captain Ball .. there you go.

    At the risk of being too flippant we reference early maritime explorers, whalers, Pitcairn people bring disease, the Thetis Scientists and the visit of HMS Pearl etc

    Lord Howe History a very honed effort by the knowledgeable Rabone


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  • The Principall Navigations Voiages & Discoveries of the English Nation – Richard Hakluyt.

    The Principall Navigations Voiages & Discoveries of the English Nation – Richard Hakluyt.

    One of the most important of the many worthwhile Hakluyt Society publications – this one the work of effectively the “founder” or at least founding inspiration. A facsimile with embellishments of the famous 16thC work

    Published by Cambridge University Press for the Society in 1965. Extra series number XXIX. Largish quarto, two volumes comprising fifty plus pages of introductions regarding the character of the work, medieval source, unpublished work and near the end of that a wonderful check-list of surviving copies – amazing how many of which have made there way to the USA – lucky them. With their original dust jackets – a very good set. Heavy, not really and overseas purchase option on their own.

    The balance of the volumes constitutes 836 pages, plus a very useful modern index. The index is a real gem as Hakluyt’s work at first unwieldly opens up when you know where to look. Hakluyt also organised his work into three Parts – First South and Southeast; Second North and Northeast and the final Third Part West, Southwest and Northwest – so that helps.

    Hakluyt a monumental work of seafaring history – how on earth did he do it?


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  • Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    A big book in many ways and a treasure of a tempestuous voyage clockwise around the Tasman Sea.

    Softcover, self published in 2003, a slightly crude sticker proclaims First Edition Book No 27 and signed by Joe Cannon. Largish octavo, format, perfect bound, 408 pages, magnificently illustrated from original photographs, charts etc.

    The route if you figure it in your mind starts in the Hobart Derwent and straight out south and east down to the Aukland Islands, turning north to Snares and Stewart Islands before hitting the coast of South Island New Zealand at the Bluff. Turning up the west coast past Milford Sound up to Wellington, Embarking east and north all the way to Norfolk island , Lord Howe and north from there to Middleton Reef. Directly west to Coffs and a less formidable sail south and return.

    Great intermingled historical detail and the photographic elements … Norfolk, Lord Howe … Balls Pyramid are super. Nicely written narrative.

    A signed copy of Joe Cannon’s adventures around the Tasman Sea – a unique account


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