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Prints and Photographs and Bookplates

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  • La Belle Viscontesse – Costume pour la Mer – Guy Arnoux for La Gazette du Bon Ton – 1913.

    La Belle Viscontesse – Costume pour la Mer – Guy Arnoux for La Gazette du Bon Ton – 1913.

    A beautiful hand coloured “Pochoir” by Pierre Guy Arnoux (1886-1951) for the Paris Gazette du Bon Ton, and early one published in 1913.

    The beautiful Viscountess dressed for the Sea. Her outfit made from printed muslin caught by taffeta ribbons and a stylish short sailor’s jacket – trendy for the period.

    Price $90.00 unframed.

    An early Bon Ton – and a rare nautical theme


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  • Original 19thC Watercolour – Australian Squadron, HMS Opal off the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] 1886 – D. F. Gillett

    Original 19thC Watercolour – Australian Squadron, HMS Opal off the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] 1886 – D. F. Gillett

    D.F. Gillett was an active British naïve marine artist in the late 19th early 20th Century. This painting is of an event in 1888, and we take that to be the year of the painting.

    A nice size, 38cm by 22cm in frame 65cm by 88cm. the wooden frame of unusual and pleasing design. The painting in very good condition, strong colours no fading or foxing.

    HMS Opal was an Emerald Class Corvette. Despite having steam power, she was fully rigged Barque. Built in Sunderland, England in 1875 she made her way to the Australian fleet and served between 1885-1890, mainly in the Pacific.

    Price $890.00 framed as in image

    A rare subject, HMS Opal in the Pacific off the New Hebrides [Vanuatu].


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  • Daphnis et Chloe By Longus with aquarelles by G. P. Jornard – Surely the world’s prettiest book

    Daphnis et Chloe By Longus with aquarelles by G. P. Jornard – Surely the world’s prettiest book

    Published on the Champs-Elysees, Paris in the 1920’s by Editions Nilsson.

    This superb book contains six mounted watercolours (aquarelles) that match the quality of the watercolour adorning this beautiful onion skin paper front cover.

    Small quarto, 154 pages. This book often found as effectively a soft cover – this copy hard bound, pretty basic half red cloth over brown papered boards, top edge gilt. Whilst we say basic it’s done a good job in protecting the aquarelles … the odd bit of spotting in the text. Overall, a very worthwhile copy.

    A Greek pastoral novel written by Longus during the second century AD. Based on the island of Lesbos a young couple having been brought up adopted by a goat herder and a shepherd respectively having been abandoned at birth eventually find love. It was a difficult road but it ends well.

    The artist was Germaine Paule Jounard, she was a highly respected artist of the period and completed many illustrations particularly for the frencg fashion industry at the time.

    What better romantic gift than this

    French 1920’s with beauty and style


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  • Il a ete prime – Pochoir by Gose – Gazette du Bon Ton 1914

    Il a ete prime – Pochoir by Gose – Gazette du Bon Ton 1914

    A beautiful hand coloured “Pochoir” by Francisco Javer Gose (1868-1915) for the Paris Gazette du Bon Ton published in 1914.

    “Il a ete prime” he was rewarded – as is she with the stunning deco evening outfit. Technically before the advent of deco but surely, she is a deco lady with her deco accoutrements.

    The hobble skirt in silk particular to a tight [pun] fashion period which ended circa this date. The hobble skirt was designed after Mrs Edith Berg tied up her skirt to stop it flapping as she became the first aircraft passenger – look it up its an interesting by-story.

    The ultimate in fashion print from a perfect era.

    Price $180.00 unframed

    One of the most sophisticated Bon Ton’s


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  • “A La Comedie” Gazette du Bon Ton Pochoir – Gose -1912

    “A La Comedie” Gazette du Bon Ton Pochoir – Gose -1912

    A beautiful hand coloured “Pochoire” by J Gose for the Paris Gazette du Bon Ton published in 1912. From the very first edition Plate VII of No 1. – “A La Comedie” – dressing up for the Theatre.

    Francisco Javier Gose (1892-1956) was a Spanish born artist who became expert in illustrating modern fashion in Paris. Here he shows a design by Mme Jeanne Paquin (1892-1956). The “Paquin” coat for the theatre, in pink moire and black velvet decorated with Japanese embroidery. The fur collar goes all the way to the waste.

    Richly coloured with gum arabic highlights giving depth and definition.

    Price $90.00 unframed.

    The ultimate in fashion print from a perfect era.


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  • Rare Image of Australia’s Rarest Bird – Rawnsley’s Satin Bower Bird [Ptilonorhynchus Rawnsleyi] – Silvester Diggles – c1870

    Rare Image of Australia’s Rarest Bird – Rawnsley’s Satin Bower Bird [Ptilonorhynchus Rawnsleyi] – Silvester Diggles – c1870

    Rare original hand-coloured image lithographed on stone by Queensland naturalist Silvester Diggles. Highlighted with gum Arabic. Published as part of his magnificent work “The Ornithology of Australia” between 1866 and 1870 in twenty-one parts by Pugh of Brisbane, in a very limited edition. By the time part sixteen was published there were only ninety-two subscribers. The original plates were executed by Diggles and his niece, Rowena Birkett.

    The bird specimen from which this lithograph was derived was found by H.C. Rawnsley in the scrub behind his house in Witton [Indooroopilly] on the Brisbane River in Julu 1867. Diggles dedicated and named the bird after him. The narrative that accompanies the plate goes on and is of historical interest. Diggles states that the strong resemblance in the bird’s colouring to the Satin Bower bird and the Regent Bower bird may lead to the suspicion of it being a hybrid. However, he refers to the explorer A.C. Gregory, who inspected the bird and confirmed that he had seen the very same species in Northern Queensland … the narrative goes into detail regarding Gregory’s testimony. However, we now know that the bird was a hybrid after all – the only other examples of a similar occurrence are quite recent … in the last twenty year. We believe though only three such occurrences have been identified to date.

    The work measures 38cm by 27cm, good strong hand colouring clean and undamaged. A very scarce item.

    About Silvester Diggles

    Silvester Diggles (1817-1880) artist and musician born in Liverpool, England. He came to Australia in 1853 settling in Brisbane where he taught music and drawing. Diggles was a founder of the Brisbane Choral Society in 1859 and the Philharmonic Society in 1861 known as “the father of music in Brisbane”. Diggles was also a founder of the Queensland Philosophical Society and helped establish the Museum. His greatest work was The Ornithology of Australia. It nearly sent him broke. His health deteriorated worry about finances being a factor. He died at Kangaroo Point in 1880.

    Price $590.00 unframed
    An opportunity to own a Silvester Diggles lithograph of an exceedingly rare bird indeed.


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