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Australian Inland Exploration

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  • The North Coolgardie and East Murchison Goldfields – Geological Survey Western Australia Bulletin No 45 – H.B. Talbot – 1912

    The North Coolgardie and East Murchison Goldfields – Geological Survey Western Australia Bulletin No 45 – H.B. Talbot – 1912

    Stamped with the authors compliments – Talbot was assisted by R.A. Farquharson who produced petrographical notes.

    Published Perth by the Government in 1912. Octavo, original wrappers, 61 pages followed by two very large coloured folding plates – 1 Geological Sketch Map of the Country in the neighbourhood of Lake Barlee, East Murchison and the North Coolgardie Goldfields and, 2 Geological Sketch map of the Country in the neighbourhood of [as above] and Yilgarn Goldfields; 11 figures in the text. Simple Map of WA showing the area covered as frontispiece.

    Comprehensive informative analysis taking in various regions – North-east of Diemel’s; Between Diemel’s and the old Youanme well; Between Trainer’s Rocks and Yeedie Bilgar; around Youanme; Southward of the 50-mils Well on the Sandstone Lawlers Road; Between Duello Water Hole and Mt Forrest; West and NW of Mt Ida township; the Mt Ida Greenstone Belt; Eastward of Lake Giles and the Southern End of Lake Barlee etc etc.

    Western Australian Goldfields – super original maps.


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  • The Great Trek [The Expedition of the Jardine Brothers in Far North Queensland] – Ion Idriess – 1947 Edition

    The Great Trek [The Expedition of the Jardine Brothers in Far North Queensland] – Ion Idriess – 1947 Edition

    This is Ion idriess’s adaption of the incredible exploratory journey of the Jardine Brothers from Rockhampton all the way up to Somerset at the very tip of Cape York. They drove cattle all the way – their father already there by more comfortable means – he must have been a pretty confident parent. They had help of course but it was their termination that drove the party through – they didn’t all make it – it was pretty hostile on the way.

    Printed on “war paper” so has the characteristic even toning of the pages, a pity because its otherwise clean inside. The dust jacket a trifle worn – pretty good really and truly scarce.

    Published by Angus and Robertson. Octavo, 222 pages, illustrated frontispiece of an attack on the party.

    Idriess on the Jardines – a rare one.


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  • Kennedy – The Barcoo and Beyond 1847 – Beale – Signed by Dan Sprod

    Kennedy – The Barcoo and Beyond 1847 – Beale – Signed by Dan Sprod

    Published by the tremendous Blubber Head Press of Hobart and signed by the publisher Dan Sprod at the front

    The quality of the book is best bar none and the condition near fine. Octavo, 292 pages, nicely illustrate, some in colour, end paper maps an, a most unusual printed thick glassine dust cover, often chipped but here completely undamaged.

    The author was taken aback by the contents of fresh papers that surfaced from the descendants of Kennedy – and along with records held in Northern Ireland and the journals and papers at the Royal Geographical Society London the rich content of this book has been crafted.

    Edmund Besley Court Kennedy (1818-1848) was chosen by Mitchell as his second for the 1846 expedition into southern and central Queensland. He was given command of a further expedition the nest year to trace Mitchell’s “Victoria River” to an expected mouth in the Gulf of Carpentaria. This turned out not to be true, Kennedy proving that that the Victoria was in fact the Barcoo, the upper waters of Cooper Creek … and in doing so discovered the valuable Channel Country. He then went on to track the Werrego River and in a further expedition from Rockingham Bay in 1848, setting its sights on the very tip of the Cape York Peninsula, he was killed by aboriginals.

    Three folding maps near rear.

    Essential and Fine Kennedy


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  • Major Mitchell’s Map -1834 [Exploration and Surveying New South Wales] – Alan Andrews

    Major Mitchell’s Map -1834 [Exploration and Surveying New South Wales] – Alan Andrews

    A quality production by Blubber Press, Hobart published in 1992. Octavo, 402 pages, illustrated throughout, end paper maps. A fine copy as if new.

    Mitchell and his team spent seven year surveying the often difficult terrain of New South Wales to produce of the greatest maps ever produced .. this is the magnificent story of that accomplishment

    Mitchell’s Great Achievement


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  • Proud Intrepid Heart – Leichhardt’s First Attempt to the Swan River 1846-1847 – Dan Sprod – Signed, Limited Numbered Edition

    Proud Intrepid Heart – Leichhardt’s First Attempt to the Swan River 1846-1847 – Dan Sprod – Signed, Limited Numbered Edition

    Published by Blubber Press, Hobart in 1989. Quarto, 334 pages, well illustrated and printed on quality paper (Teton Warm White) by Griffin Press. A very good if not fine copy. Limited signed edition number 169 of 600.

    This is Liechhardt’s second expedition after the successful mammoth exploration from the Darling Downs to Port Essington. This, an even more adventurous plan, was a failure and later members of his team were to write negatively about Leichhardt’s leadership.

    This book contains his journals, published for the first time and presented so well by Dan Sprod. Drawing also on other unpublished accounts he attempts to set the record straight.

    Leichhardt’s second … the real story … put so well


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  • A Journalist’s Memories – Spencer Browne – Published in Brisbane 1927

    A Journalist’s Memories – Spencer Browne – Published in Brisbane 1927

    Published in Brisbane in 1927 based on a series of articles published by the Courier Mail the year before.

    An absolutely superb memoir covering Queensland notables and goings on over the period 1877 – 1926. The number of people included is monumental and the detail encyclopedic. Great book. Lots about goings on in the gold fields, robbery, explorers and their successes and failures and one or two corrections of commonly held facts.

    Queensland recounted by the most able Spencer Browne – superb


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