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Wheatley Dennis

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  • Traitors’ Gate – Dennis Wheatley

    Traitors’ Gate – Dennis Wheatley

    First edition published by Hutchinson, London in 1958. One of Wheatley’s classics.

    The Book Club edition which had this classic jacket designed by Sax – so period. Octavo 383 pages. End paper plan of Budapest and schematic of the Tower of London. Bit of age to top edge otherwise a very good copy..

    One of a series on novels concerning the secret agent Gregory Sallust. Set in Budapest in 1942 where the effects of the war had yet to fully felt. The main plot centres around how the enemy were so brilliantly misled regarding the Allies intentions in North Africa.

    Dennis Wheatley established a cult following during his lifetime. He was hugely successful and bought a large “Georgian Pile” in Hampshire were he kept a very large collection of rare and antiquarian books … his appetite for serious historical memoirs is reflected in the depth and solidity of his writing.

    Wheatley in Budapest during WWII – dressed by Sax


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  • Murder Off Miami –  A New Era in Crime fiction – Dennis Wheatley

    Murder Off Miami – A New Era in Crime fiction – Dennis Wheatley

    Originally published in 1936 – this is a faithful 1980’s reproduction of this extraordinary work by Dennis Wheatley – murder planned by J.G. Links.

    The most sinister death of multi-millionaire soap powder king Bolitho Blane on board the luxury yacht Golden Gull off Miami looks suspicious. Has he committed suicide or is foul play involved?

    Here we have all the clues laid out in front of us in the form of a the law enforcement case file, the complexity and ingenuity of it all is a surprise in itself – it is guaranteed to leave you scratching your head until the end –

    Showing bit of age – still a better than good copy – intact in every respect.

    Nothing on google will assist you in working this one out – the sealed section is unbroken – do not break until you are absolutely exhausted.


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  • The Malinsay Massacre  – A Murder Mystery Dennis Wheatley

    The Malinsay Massacre – A Murder Mystery Dennis Wheatley

    Originally published in 1936 – this is a faithful 1980’s reproduction of this unique work by Dennis Wheatley.

    Murder after murder amongst the aristocracy of lonely Scottish island has everyone baffled.

    Here we have all the clues laid out in front of us in the form of a the law enforcement case file with original letters, notes, plans, photographs and even the arsenic tablet (from which the poison has been extracted to save you from harm, etc etc – it is guaranteed to leave you scratching your head until the end. A little bit of age but nothing to spoil the fun or intrigue.

    Nothing on google will assist you in working this one out – the sealed section with the solution is unbroken – don’t peak!.


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