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Norfolk Island

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  • Norfolk Island [Historical Verse]  – Merval Connelly – First edition 1951

    Norfolk Island [Historical Verse] – Merval Connelly – First edition 1951

    A first edition published by the quality Pegasus Press, Christchurch in 1951.

    This continues a theme at Voyager … historical poetry of quality.

    Octavo, 45 pages, illustrated with beautiful woodcut engravings by Gordan McAuslan. Good complete dust jacket. Very good condition.

    Set out in two distinct parts …

    Part I .. Captain Cook discovers the island; These sailed not for pleasure nor knowledge; First convict settlement; The years between; Second convict settlement; The second penal settlement closes; The coming of the Pitcairners.

    Part II … Norfolk pines; In the valleys; Seascape; Cypresses and Banyan trees; Island nocturne; One wonders about the women; The legend of Bloody Bridge; Poem written at Kingston.

    When we finished reading this book of poetry we were left with a better understanding of this unique place and its history and beauty.

    Norfolk Island in verse – a delightful history.


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  • Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    A big book in many ways and a treasure of a tempestuous voyage clockwise around the Tasman Sea.

    Softcover, self published in 2003, a slightly crude sticker proclaims First Edition Book No 27 and signed by Joe Cannon. Largish octavo, format, perfect bound, 408 pages, magnificently illustrated from original photographs, charts etc.

    The route if you figure it in your mind starts in the Hobart Derwent and straight out south and east down to the Aukland Islands, turning north to Snares and Stewart Islands before hitting the coast of South Island New Zealand at the Bluff. Turning up the west coast past Milford Sound up to Wellington, Embarking east and north all the way to Norfolk island , Lord Howe and north from there to Middleton Reef. Directly west to Coffs and a less formidable sail south and return.

    Great intermingled historical detail and the photographic elements … Norfolk, Lord Howe … Balls Pyramid are super. Nicely written narrative.

    A signed copy of Joe Cannon’s adventures around the Tasman Sea – a unique account


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  • The Hunter Sketchbook. Birds & Flowers of New South Wales drawn on The Spot in 1788 89 & 90 By Captain John Hunter of the First Fleet.

    The Hunter Sketchbook. Birds & Flowers of New South Wales drawn on The Spot in 1788 89 & 90 By Captain John Hunter of the First Fleet.

    A really rather beautiful and slightly strangely titled work.

    We say strangely titled because we do not have to read far about the original sketchbook, (once owned by the great Rex Nan Kivell and now housed in the Australian National Library) to find that the sketches include fishes and people … and of New South Wales and also Norfolk and Lord Howe islands. Peeking at the reproductions of the sketches we can also see a kangaroo and a dolphin. What is really surprising is the rarity now of some of the birds he drew e.g. the Swift Parrot and we wonder where he saw that bird …

    Captain Hunter, to be Governor Hunter, known as a skilled sketch artist through the illustrations in his sought after First Fleet journal .. but these images take one’s understanding and admiration to a whole new level.

    No expense spared production limited to 500 copies and with a further 50 sets of unbound plates. Edited by John Calaby with assistance. Published in 1989. Quarto, x, 252 pages with 100 full page colour plates and other illustrations in the lengthy introductions. Bound in quarter calf, raised bands to spine, separate green leather title label, exotic marble paper covered boards, original removable glassine protector, silk ribbon release from original open slip cover. A fine copy.

    A special edition from a unique work of historical significance – an Australian National Treasure.


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  • The Women of the 1790 Neptune [Convict Ship]  – Anne Needham et al – 1992

    The Women of the 1790 Neptune [Convict Ship] – Anne Needham et al – 1992

    Self published by the principal author in 1992. The work follows a further four years research by Anne Needham after she first published on the subject.

    Perfect bound large format, card cover, 187 pages illustrated nicely throughout. Scarce and sought after – a very good copy

    The seventy-six convict woman are listed on the front cover and the list of free female passengers are listed on the title.

    The convict women came from all parts of England. At the end of a good Introduction we see a map with the locations and names. The extraordinary history behind many, if not all, is set out incredibly well in the first 120 pages. Then the voyage out then the goings on at Norfolk Island and New South Wales.

    Needham’s well researched history of the women from the Neptune.


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  • Martin Cash [Tasmanian Bushranger] – Autobiography

    Martin Cash [Tasmanian Bushranger] – Autobiography

    First published in 1870 by Walch, Hobart and here we have a seventh edition 1961 by the same publisher – itself maybe an Australian record – not sure.

    Octavo, small format pictorial soft cover, 174 pages the odd useful illustration added from original period photographs.

    The full title – Martin cash – the Bushranger of Van Diemen’s Land 1843-4 – A Personal Narrative of his Exploits in the Bush and His Experiences at Port Arthur and Norfolk Island.

    Cash had an interesting life and despite his Bushranger activity – quietly admired.


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  • Tasmanian Photographer ( Beattie) – Margaret Tassell and David Wood – 1981

    Tasmanian Photographer ( Beattie) – Margaret Tassell and David Wood – 1981

    Published by Macmillan in Australia. Quarto, 155 pages heavily illustrated, as you would expect. Good dust jacket and generally a very good copy.

    The first name that springs to mind when it turns to photography in Tasmania.

    A well put together collection by Tassell and Wood published in 1981. Many examples of his better work categorised into – Historic; Industrial and Scenic, and Norfolk Island for a broader interest in that association. Some of the “originals” clearly showing their age but the subject matter and technique still very worthy.

    Beattie Photographic Imagery – Defining Tasmania


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