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French Language or translation from or about the French

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  • Daphnis et Chloe By Longus with aquarelles by G. P. Jornard – Surely the world’s prettiest book

    Daphnis et Chloe By Longus with aquarelles by G. P. Jornard – Surely the world’s prettiest book

    Published on the Champs-Elysees, Paris in the 1920’s by Editions Nilsson.

    This superb book contains six mounted watercolours (aquarelles) that match the quality of the watercolour adorning this beautiful onion skin paper front cover.

    Small quarto, 154 pages. This book often found as effectively a soft cover – this copy hard bound, pretty basic half red cloth over brown papered boards, top edge gilt. Whilst we say basic it’s done a good job in protecting the aquarelles … the odd bit of spotting in the text. Overall, a very worthwhile copy.

    A Greek pastoral novel written by Longus during the second century AD. Based on the island of Lesbos a young couple having been brought up adopted by a goat herder and a shepherd respectively having been abandoned at birth eventually find love. It was a difficult road but it ends well.

    The artist was Germaine Paule Jounard, she was a highly respected artist of the period and completed many illustrations particularly for the frencg fashion industry at the time.

    What better romantic gift than this

    French 1920’s with beauty and style


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  • The Belgium Essays – Charlotte and Emily Bronte – Edited and translated by Sue Lonoff.

    The Belgium Essays – Charlotte and Emily Bronte – Edited and translated by Sue Lonoff.

    A first edition of this rather scarce and unknown book published as “A Critical Edition” by the Yale University Press in 1996 [they have done some great stuff].

    Large octavo, 468 pages, very good condition in a full clean dust jacket.

    In 1842 Charlotte and Emily B went to Brussels to study and write under the tutelage of Constantin Heger. They returned for the same again the next year. The result of this was twenty-eight essays penned in French. This book is the first to contain them all, nine of them have never been published elsewhere. They are presented in their original form with manuscript corrections and notes and with a facing English translation by Lonoff.

    Special Bronte work from Charlotte and Emily expanding our knowledge of their prestigious talent.


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  • Clochemerle Les Bains – Gabriel Chevallier – First UK Edition 1964

    Clochemerle Les Bains – Gabriel Chevallier – First UK Edition 1964

    A super copy of this fun book translated by Xan Fielding and published by Secker & Warburg, Lonon in 1964. Thick octavo, 448 pages, lively dust jacket designed by A Games.

    Not sure what age you have to be to remember the riotous naughty comedy series about the characters and goings on in this idyllic French village. Well written but with a wit beyond and a good dousing of hanky-panky, maybe not entirely in fitting with now norms (oh dreary me). Regardless, anyone with warm blood is likely to enjoy until the end and pine a little for French wine and real cheese.

    Clochemerle where lives were lived to the full and nobody got injured – well permanently injured


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  • The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    Large octavo, 349 pages, plus addenda and after introductions. Published by Harpers in 1992. Nicely illustrated from period photographs etc. A very good near fine copy.

    The adventurous Bernhardt not satisfied with being the most admired actor of the 19thC took to some strange activities … riding whales, collecting exotic animals, early ballooning and, was a accomplished artist and sculptor.

    Sarah Bernhardt we love her at Voyager


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  • Sarah Bernhardt – Francoise Sagan – First UK Edition

    Sarah Bernhardt – Francoise Sagan – First UK Edition

    The late 19th century stage legend – has anyone really matched the talent and reputation of Bernhardt. Her talents as a sculptor and painter underestimated.

    Here we have a real twist a fictionalised biography / autobiography through letter exchanges between the author and Sarah – long after the latter’s death. The author, a sensational writer who had already had great success with the provocative “Bonjour Tristesse”.

    A fist UK translation published by Macmillan in 1989. Octavo, 232 pages with illustrations from period photographs. Good condition albeit the pages toasted a bit as common with the issue.

    Exotic treatment of Bernhardt’s Life


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  • Maigret in Society – George Simenon

    Maigret in Society – George Simenon

    Published by the Thriller Book Club, Charing Cross, London in collaboration with and in the same year as the Hamish Hamilton first.

    Octavo, 160 pages, very good condition.

    The 78-year-old Comte Armand de Saint-Hilaire is found dead. A former Ambassador to Rome. Washington and London. All his acquaintances are elderly and Maigret is given little to work on other than the discovery of letter which suggest a long-standing love for Princess de V_____. Strange goings on are exposed.

    Maigret not out of his depth in High Society.


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