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  • A Moveable Feast – Ernest Hemingway – True First Edition 1964 – Predates American Edition by one day

    A Moveable Feast – Ernest Hemingway – True First Edition 1964 – Predates American Edition by one day

    “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast”.

    A fine copy of this important work. The best we have seen. And, as this is Voyager’s favourite book we have seen a few.

    Published by Jonathan Cape, London in 1964. Octavo, 192 pages. We can’t find a mark and the dust jacket is perfect, as if new, except price clipped – a gift givers prerogative.

    Scarce Collectable Hemingway First Edition – As fine a condition as will be found


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  • The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    Large octavo, 349 pages, plus addenda and after introductions. Published by Harpers in 1992. Nicely illustrated from period photographs etc. A very good near fine copy.

    The adventurous Bernhardt not satisfied with being the most admired actor of the 19thC took to some strange activities … riding whales, collecting exotic animals, early ballooning and, was a accomplished artist and sculptor.

    Sarah Bernhardt we love her at Voyager


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  • A Moveable Feast – Ernest Hemingway True First Edition -1964 – Predates American Edition by one day

    A Moveable Feast – Ernest Hemingway True First Edition -1964 – Predates American Edition by one day

    First edition published by Jonathan Cape, London in 1964. Octavo, 192 pages with the stunning wrap around dust jacket designed by Hans Tisdall. The font Tisdall invented for this purpose carries his name.

    Very good condition with minor mark to front of jacket, otherwise very clean and no dust jacket nibbles. Terrific internally.

    Written by Hemingway in his final days before he took his life so tragically. The draft was in his bedroom and published posthumously.

    Tells of Hemingway’s early years in Paris with his young bride (1921-1926) and the people (what people) he associated with … Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, James Joyce, Scott Fitzgerald … do we need to go on?

    “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast”.

    Scarce Collectable delightful Hemingway – First Edition


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  • Sarah Bernhardt – Francoise Sagan – First UK Edition

    Sarah Bernhardt – Francoise Sagan – First UK Edition

    The late 19th century stage legend – has anyone really matched the talent and reputation of Bernhardt. Her talents as a sculptor and painter underestimated.

    Here we have a real twist a fictionalised biography / autobiography through letter exchanges between the author and Sarah – long after the latter’s death. The author, a sensational writer who had already had great success with the provocative “Bonjour Tristesse”.

    A fist UK translation published by Macmillan in 1989. Octavo, 232 pages with illustrations from period photographs. Good condition albeit the pages toasted a bit as common with the issue.

    Exotic treatment of Bernhardt’s Life


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  • Maigret in Society – George Simenon

    Maigret in Society – George Simenon

    Published by the Thriller Book Club, Charing Cross, London in collaboration with and in the same year as the Hamish Hamilton first.

    Octavo, 160 pages, very good condition.

    The 78-year-old Comte Armand de Saint-Hilaire is found dead. A former Ambassador to Rome. Washington and London. All his acquaintances are elderly and Maigret is given little to work on other than the discovery of letter which suggest a long-standing love for Princess de V_____. Strange goings on are exposed.

    Maigret not out of his depth in High Society.


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  • Maigret’s Pickpocket and Maigret and the Nahour Case– Georges Simenon

    Maigret’s Pickpocket and Maigret and the Nahour Case– Georges Simenon

    Translated from the French another double helping of Maigret published by the Companion Book Club in 1968. A first of type.

    Octavo, 288 pages in very good condition.

    Maigret has his wallet stolen on a bus .. the young offender telephone Maigret and a murder enquiry ensues. In Nahour a gambler is murdered and his wife, who has fled with her lover, is suspected.

    Two different Maigret cases but with murder at the heart of each.


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