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  • Solitaire Spirit – Three times around the world single-handed – Les Powles

    Solitaire Spirit – Three times around the world single-handed – Les Powles

    Scarce narrowly circulated account.

    Les Powles did what Dampier did (3X) but on his own. He had eight hours sailing experience before he set off the first time. The many adventures and hardships along the way – landing in the wrong continent, storms nobody should experience, given up for dead. A sometimes funny account filled with detail … makes you want to get off your ars..!

    Paperback, only form published, by Adlard Nautical, London 2012. Typed up by his friends. Images from personal photographs. Very good condition.

    Les Powles would be a man to know for sure …


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  • King of the Australian Coast [Phillip Parker King] – Marsden Hordern

    King of the Australian Coast [Phillip Parker King] – Marsden Hordern

    Marsden Hordern’s magnificent book about “the Work of Phillip Parker King in the Mermaid and Bathurst 1817-1822”.

    A quality production by the Miegunyah Press. Published in 1998 a second limited release. Large octavo, 441 pages nicely illustrated throughout some in colour many from images drawn or painted by PPK. A heavy book. Eight folding historic maps in facsimile in pocket at rear.

    Very good condition.

    We agree with the summary of this work .. Phillip Parker King stands with Cook and Flinders in the history of exploration and charting of the Australian coastline. To a degree until this book he has not been given the credit deserved … this sumptuous book makes amends. It is the go to reference of PPK and his time in and around the Australian coastline. A must have and already highly sought after.

    Phillip Parker King in Australia in Full.


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  • The Discovery of the South Shetland Islands. The Voyage of the Brig Williams – Journal of Midshipman Poynter [ed R.J. Campbell]

    The Discovery of the South Shetland Islands. The Voyage of the Brig Williams – Journal of Midshipman Poynter [ed R.J. Campbell]

    One of our favourite Hakluyt production, published 2000, on the discovery of the South Shetland Islands – which are very south and remote and play such a big part in the whole Antarctic exploration story.

    The story of the Brig Williams voyage of 1819-20 referencing the Journal of Midshipman C.W. Poynter and other contemporary documents. As with all Hakluyt the editor does a special job with thorough and intense research and a quality honed narrative.

    Quarto, xvi, 232 pages with 31 illustrations and maps. Original blue cloth binding, good dust jacket a very good all round copy. Heavy item.

    In 1819 a general cargo vessel in sailing from Montevideo to Valparaiso ventured to the extreme south hoping for more favourable winds, spotting land at around 62 degrees south. On a second voyage they deliberately sough out the coastline taking soundings etc. Following these reports the Brig Williams was prepared to properly survey this new discovery under Master Edward Bransfield.

    The journal of Midshipman Poynter was recently found in New Zealand and is the backbone to this book. It is the only first hand account of a voyage during which the Antarctic mainland was sighted.

    South Shetlands all to like it’s namesake, cold and windy but more isolated.


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  • First Discovery  of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea George Collingridge – First Edition1906 [Important Work]

    Cornerstone book on the early exploration of Australia / New Guinea … a Voyager favourite/

    A narrative on the Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian Regions, between the Years 1492-1606, with descriptions of their old charts.

    Octavo, 132 pages the appendices with maps striking maps and images throughout. Published by Brooks, Sydney in 1906. Original green cloth covered binding with gilt title at front, bumped and rubbed, previous ownership signatures, very good internally.

    Includes the 16th century voyages to the spice islands and the discovery of New Guinea, the Villalobos Expedition and further discoveries in Papua, Jave-le-Grande and the early map of Australia, the maps of Pierre Descelier, and Deslien. The discovery of the Solomons by Mendana and Sarmiento with an early map and of course Queiroz voyage to Espiritu- Santo and Torres and his important discoveries.

    Frontispiece map and many others mostly coloured plus black and white illustrations and a useful chronology.

    Collingridge on the early discoveries.


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  • Mawson’s Papers – Innes and Duff – Robyn Mundy’s Copy.

    Mawson’s Papers – Innes and Duff – Robyn Mundy’s Copy.

    Thick softcover published by The Mawson Institute for Antarctic Research The University of Adelaide in 1990.

    Rather scarce and we are not sure why .. maybe they are all tied up with Institutions … maybe it was a pessimistic print run.

    Carries the modern book label of adventurer and writer Roby Mundy and a thoughtful note by the gift giver “happy hunting”. The kind message clearly relates to the research Mundy would have been doing for her novel “Nature of Ice” – all about the Mawson Polar expedition, Frank Hurley’s photographs and much more. Mundy also wrote a super book “Cold Coast” which revolves around the first female trapper in Svalbad … another Voyager favourite island group.

    Back to the Mawson Papers which are richly described in the unusually paginated work [probably circa 350 pages]. After a brief Forward by Jacka and a Biographical note by same we have various introductory papers re how to use the guide. Not a list of items – everything is described and put into context. Nicely illustrated from Hurley photographs, charts etc … it’s the complete business.

    Mawson no more comprehensive source of his work


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  • Tasmania – d’Entrecasteaux Waterways

    Tasmania – d’Entrecasteaux Waterways

    A super guide to the waterways of the d’Entrecasteaux Channel and its tributaries.

    Compiled by the Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania – no date but considered 1990’s.

    78 large pages with black and white illustrations, drawings by Neil Lamont, general overview location maps and 27 excellent maps/ charts. Inside back cover a coloured illustration of common channel fish. Spiral bound as issued. Good nick

    What we like about this rather unique offering is the relaxed commentary that goes with each of the excellent maps/ charts. We say excellent because they have many of the features that male up the history of the region which link to the narrative. If you are a lover of the region this is better than any travel book.

    The beautiful d’Entrecasteaux waterways nicely described – can you tell – we like it!


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