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  • Small Boats and Big Seas [A Hundred Years of Yachting – Edited by Ralph Stephenson

    Small Boats and Big Seas [A Hundred Years of Yachting – Edited by Ralph Stephenson

    First edition published by Oxford University Press, Melbourne in 1978.

    Octavo, 189 pages, nicely illustrated, a pretty good copy in a nice dust jacket.

    Numerous small boat accounts by well known names from the early days – Slocum, Vanderdecken, Knight etc to the mid period – Jack London, Fox, Villiers and Richards to more modern times with Moitessier, Tetley, Whitaker etc …

    Wonderful collection of salty water adventurers.


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  • The Sextant Simplified [A Practical Explanation of the Use of the Sextant at Sea] – Oswald Watts

    A later edition of this “go to” book on the sextant published by Thomas Reed, Sunderland etc in 1969.

    Octavo, 100 pages, many diagrams and images to explain the use of the instrument as one would expect. A near fine copy.

    First glance the sextant is a pretty simple and straightforward device. This book take one from the simple “take and angle” understanding to the more complex use and correction required have a solid and sure position – quite useful the sure bit when facing reefs and rock in previously new territory.

    Sextant explained – enough to make you a master mariner – fill up the bathtub and go for it!


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  • Rough Water – Stories of Survival from the Seas – Clint Willis

    Rough Water – Stories of Survival from the Seas – Clint Willis

    A worthy soft cover published by the aptly named Adrenaline Books, New York in 1999. Octavo, 356 pages, fancy wrap card covers add to sturdiness. Very good to better copy.

    Interesting mix of fact and fiction from Shackleton, Knox-Johnstone, Trumbull on the raft with Patrick O’Brian and Wauk (Caine Mutiny – let’s not forget Bogie!) then on to cold water and David Lewis etc. Glossary and bibliography at the end all help those new to the water.

    Survival at sea all from your armchair


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  • Solitaire Spirit – Three times around the world single-handed – Les Powles

    Solitaire Spirit – Three times around the world single-handed – Les Powles

    Scarce narrowly circulated account.

    Les Powles did what Dampier did (3X) but on his own. He had eight hours sailing experience before he set off the first time. The many adventures and hardships along the way – landing in the wrong continent, storms nobody should experience, given up for dead. A sometimes funny account filled with detail … makes you want to get off your ars..!

    Paperback, only form published, by Adlard Nautical, London 2012. Typed up by his friends. Images from personal photographs. Very good condition.

    Les Powles would be a man to know for sure …


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  • Tasmanian Classic – A Hundred Years of Yachting – Webster and Norman – First Edition 1936

    Tasmanian Classic – A Hundred Years of Yachting – Webster and Norman – First Edition 1936

    A very good copy of this prized first edition. Published by the Hobart Marine Board and City Council in 1936.

    Large format octavo (24.4cm x 16.5cm), 256 pages, illustrated throughout. Colour illustration and title to front board.

    The hundred years references the first Hobart Regatta held in December 1838, so they jumped the starting gun a little. We will excuse them for that as it is a fabulous record of the love of yachting on the Derwent.

    Perhaps Hobart’s most important yachting collectable in ship shape condition.


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  • Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    Storm & Silence – A Portrait [Circumnavigation] of the Tasman Sea – Joe Cannon – First Edition

    A big book in many ways and a treasure of a tempestuous voyage clockwise around the Tasman Sea.

    Softcover, self published in 2003, a slightly crude sticker proclaims First Edition Book No 27 and signed by Joe Cannon. Largish octavo, format, perfect bound, 408 pages, magnificently illustrated from original photographs, charts etc.

    The route if you figure it in your mind starts in the Hobart Derwent and straight out south and east down to the Aukland Islands, turning north to Snares and Stewart Islands before hitting the coast of South Island New Zealand at the Bluff. Turning up the west coast past Milford Sound up to Wellington, Embarking east and north all the way to Norfolk island , Lord Howe and north from there to Middleton Reef. Directly west to Coffs and a less formidable sail south and return.

    Great intermingled historical detail and the photographic elements … Norfolk, Lord Howe … Balls Pyramid are super. Nicely written narrative.

    A signed copy of Joe Cannon’s adventures around the Tasman Sea – a unique account


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