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Mining and Geology

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  • Triassic Conifer Fossil – Nymboida New South Wales

    Triassic Conifer Fossil – Nymboida New South Wales

    A nice example of a longitudinal foliar stem section – Coniferales [Risskia Media – Tenison Woods, 1883].

    From the middle Triassic period [circa 1225 million year] which represented the period of the “greening” of the planet and the land that is generally referred to as Gondwana.

    This sample was found in the Basin Creek Formation of the Nymboida coal measures. They can be accessed from Coffs Harbour – about 50 kms north-west.

    Size 12cm weighing circa 200 gm.

    Nice fossil from the greening of Gondwana



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  • Botryoidal Goethite – Yaraka Queensland

    Botryoidal Goethite – Yaraka Queensland

    The mineral Goethite or iron oxy-hydroxide here in a nice botryoidal (resembling grapes) crystal form.

    Found in the Yaraka Boulder Opal Field 100km east of Blackhall, Queensland. Last count remote Yaraka had an official population of 20 – they all get along.

    Small fist sized weighing 350 gm.

    Good lustre to the botryoidal form


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  • Mining Medal – Centenary of The Deep Navigation Coal Mine – 1979.

    Mining Medal – Centenary of The Deep Navigation Coal Mine – 1979.

    The Deep Navigation Colliery was a major underground mine at Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales. It was the deepest of all South Wales cola mines. It produced high quality “steam coal” which powered the Mauretania and the Lusitania in successful Blue Riband attempts for the fastest Atlantic crossing.

    Opened in 1879 after much effort sinking shafts, many lives were lost. Throughout its life it suffered from huge amounts of water ingress and massive pumps were used constantly to keep it manageable. The quality of the coal ensured its profitability until the early 1990’s when the geology became more challenging and it was closed and the area reclaimed as public sports fields.

    This medal was given to each miner in the workforce in 1979 at the 100-year anniversary of the mine opening – so about 500-600 were likely struck. A fine example, gilt finished, haunched miner figures to both sides – one an early 19thC miner with mandrel and Davey lamp, the other a modern miner with safety helmet vs cloth cap. 40 mm diameter fine condition, high relief 25 gm.

    Scarce Coal Mining Commemorative


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  • The Geology of the Broken Hill District – E.C. Andrews – 1922 – along with the Supplement of 1923.

    Memoir No 8 of The Geological Survey of New South Wales – probably the most important and certainly the most comprehensive / voluminous.

    Large thick quarto (25cn x 32cm) xx, 432 pages, 124 plates, numerous maps, plans and diagrams.

    Light ageing to the original heavy boards, very clean inside a super copy of a now scarce item, rarely together with the Supplementary item, quarto, same dimensions, 28 pages and nine excellent coloured plates of mineral specimens.

    The principal work produced by William Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney – the Supplement by Alfred Kent also appointed Government Printer – maybe a specialist in the colour plates.

    A heavy item and an Overseas postage supplement may be required – please enquire we can be helpful.

    Ernest Clayton Andres (1870-1948) another legend from the “golden era” of Australian geology – disciple of Edgeworth David. Had a tough upbringing but still managed to get to Sydney University to study mathematics. It was there he met Edgeworth David. Taught but continued to study chemistry and geology. Presented his first geological paper in 1898 on the Bathurst region. Did much work on coral reefs [using Agassiz material]. This work and the later Mineral Industry of New South Wales [1928] are considered epics. Highly praised and prized – Lyell Medal London Royal Geological Society. His entry in the official Australian Dictionary of Biography well worth the read.

    Important substantial geological work together with its supplement.


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  • Siluria – The History of the Oldest Known Rocks Containing Organic Remains; with a Brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold Over the Earth – Sir Roderick Impey Murchison – First Edition 1854

    Siluria – The History of the Oldest Known Rocks Containing Organic Remains; with a Brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold Over the Earth – Sir Roderick Impey Murchison – First Edition 1854

    A very good copy of the first edition of this most important scientific work, published by John Murray, London in 1854.

    Thick Royal Octavo, bound in full leather, separate green leather title label, gilt decorations to compartments on the spine. Marbled end papers with the marbling continuing to the page edges, boards with decorative edge gilding to front, back and edge. 523 pages after preliminaries, followed by 37 lithographed plates of the principal Silurian fossils, with descriptive letterpress, folding world map at page 475. Separate folding Geological Map of the Silurian Rocks in pocket at rear.

    The coloured folding map (53cm by 43cm) published under Murray drawn by J.W. Lowry and lithographed by Vincent Brooks is a first edition dated 1853 of the Geological Map of the Silurian Rocks and overlying formations as developed in Wales and the Adjacent Parts of England, chiefly prepared for the Geological Survey of Great Britain. It is in very good condition, cloth backed likely at the time of binding.

    The plates are well executed, many by James De Carle Sowerby (1787-1872) eldest son of the great James Sowerby and founder of the Royal Botanical Society.

    Roderick Impey Murchison (1792-1871) was an incredible individual. Scottish born, born into a wealthy, and was sent to Durham for schooling at the age of 7, after the death of his father. He joined the military and at 16 saw action in the Peninsula War. In 1818 he met Sir Humphrey Davy who persuaded him to pursue science. He joined the Royal Geological Society … his colleagues included, William Buckland, Charles Lyell and Darwin. He worked with Lyell on the geology of the Alps. In the 1830’s he did much research in and around the England Wales border and through that established the Silurian system and then went on to categorise the Devonian and Permian systems.

    In 1845 Murchison new several Cornish miners who were off to Australia to explore for gold. They sent back samples … so Murchison new of the discovery of gold in Australia before Edward Hargraves.

    He won many distinguished awards including the Royal Society Copley Medal, the Geological Society Wollaston Medal, and the Edinburgh Brisbane Medal (Another Australian connection). Also, many overseas awards. He was President of the Royal Geographical Society on four separate occasions, importantly he was one of the founders in 1830.

    A crater on the Moon is named after him as well as geographical features in Greenland, USA, Canada, Antarctica, Uganda. In Australia the Murchison River with its tributaries named, Roderick and Impey.

    Murchison and Siluria – First Edition Cornerstone Geology from distinguished author Murchison.


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  • The Gold Deposits of the Granites-Tanami Districts, Central Australia by P.S. Hossfeld – 1940 [Edric Chaffer’s Copy]

    The Gold Deposits of the Granites-Tanami Districts, Central Australia by P.S. Hossfeld – 1940 [Edric Chaffer’s Copy]

    Sought after report of this area that contains the now 600,000 oz per annum Newmont operated mine. To date 12 million ounces have been extracted and mining activities are continuing at a depth of 1.5 km.

    The author Paul Samuel Hossfeld (1896-1967) was born in South Australia worked various geological roles in Australia and Papua New Guinea. During WWII he conducted experimental work for the Government in Melbourne returning to his chosen field afterwards retiring as a senior lecturer at the School of Geology, Adelaide University.

    Complete report being no 43 of the Aerial, Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia. Foolscap in size 28 pages of narrative followed by a full set of eight large folding, mainly coloured, folding maps and plans, all in superb condition.

    One of the most remote areas of Australia approximately 500kms north-west of Alice Springs. Arthur Davidson was the first European to discover signs of gold in the Tanami desert around 1900. He gave the area the name Tanami from a local word meaning water hole. It was not until this report based on work conducted throughout the 1930’s that the true potential was recognised – another eighty years would pass until the bonanza became real. What other prospects exist within these reports?

    The maps, charts etc include

    1. Geological Map – the Granites- Tanami District, Central Australia – Colour [65cm x 35cm]

    2. Plan of Quorn-Golden Sho-Vee Portion of the Granites Gold-Field etc showing Geology, Lodes, Workings and Assays – Colour [75cn x 45cm]

    3. Assay Plan & Sections of Portion of Golden Shoe & Vee Workings etc [70cm x 56cm]

    4. Plan of Long Bottom -Bullagitchie Portion – The Granites etc showing Geology, Lodes, Workings, Assays – Colour [65cm x 45cm]

    5. Plan of Bunker’s Hill – Chapman’s hill Portion etc – Colour – [65cm x 95cm!]

    6. Plan Tanami Goldfield etc – Reefs & Assays – Some colour – [50cm x 75cm]

    7. Plan of Northern Portion – Tanami Gold Field etc [70cm x 70cm]

    8. Map – Western Portion of Central Australia Showing Topographical Features – [95cm x 75cm]

    The final map above ranges from Alice Springs in the south east to Tennant Creek in the north east; Lake MacDonald in the south west and the sandy areas above Tanami in the north-west. A really super maps produced from numerous sources including aerial surveys in 1934, 1937 and 1938.

    Ownership signature of past President of the Royal Society of New South Wales, geologist, Edric Keith Chaffer.

    The Granites and Tanami Regions Gold Prospects Expertly reported by Hossfeld


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