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  • Original PhD Thesis – The Force-Field Approach to Neutron Monitor Observations of the Eleven-Year Cosmic-Ray Modulation Cycle – H. Morall

    Original PhD Thesis – The Force-Field Approach to Neutron Monitor Observations of the Eleven-Year Cosmic-Ray Modulation Cycle – H. Morall

    Harm Moraal [1947-2015] born in the Netherlands but spent most of his life in his adopted home South Africa where he was Professor of Physics at Potchefstroom University. He became an accepted world authority in Cosmic Rays and a member of the Commission on Cosmic Rays of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics – now the Commission on Astro-particle Physics – in the 1990’s he was Chair of the Commission. He was involved in numerous other related bodies.

    Harm Moraal completed this PhD in December 1973. The work comprises 130 pages reproduced from typescript bound in faux black Morocco, gilt titles to front hand done consistent with the techniques of the period.

    This is high level science and of history of science merit. Chapter subjects include :–

    Cosmic-Ray Modulation Theory [Development of Equations; Mono-Energetic Solutions; Force-Filed Solutions etc]

    The Force-Field Equation Applied to Neutron Monitor Response Functions [Force-Field Equations for a Mixture of Particle; Neutron Monitor Distribution Functions (the Experiments); Validity of the modified convection diffusion approximation etc]

    The Force-Field Equation Applied to Measurements of Stationary Neutron Monitors [Fractions Counting Rates etc]

    The Modulation of Cosmic-Ray Electrons [Comparison with neutron monitor results and separability of the diffusion coefficient etc]

    Various Appendices including – the Rigidity Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient near the Cosmic-Ray Maximum of May 1965.

    Important PhD Thesis by a man who then devoted his life to his subject Cosmic-ray Physicist Harm Moraal .


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  • Einstein’s Universe – Nigel Calder

    Einstein’s Universe – Nigel Calder

    Marking the Centenary of Einstein’s birth the BBC brought together some of the brightest ever to contribute to this work of relativity.

    Sometimes explained at a level beyond mere mortals, sometimes in such a trivial manner hardly touching the boundaries of the concepts and connectivity involved. Here we have a a master work on the subject which still holds well despite the forty plus years since its publication.

    Octavo, 178 pages, illustrated appropriately. Some minor highlighting by an educated reader which helps with emphasis.

    Einstein and relativity more than just “shells of time”


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  • Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – Edited Beau Riffenburgh- 2 Volumes

    Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – Edited Beau Riffenburgh- 2 Volumes

    Published by Routledge in 2006 this two-volume set is regarded as the font of all things Antarctica.

    A substantial effort the number of distinguished contributors runs to over a hundred.

    Two quarto volumes, 1,272 pages heavily illustrated with all sorts, high technical level with many maps, charts, explanatory diagrams etc. Very good condition. Weighs in at circa 3.6kgs so not really suitable for Overseas postage.

    The elements relating to the History of Exploration and History of Science are understandably our favourites. Other broader topics include … Atmosphere; Birds; Conservation; Geography; Glaciology; Technology; Oceanography; Physics and astronomy etc.

    It is all here in the Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – more than a winter’s reading


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  • Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania – 1887

    Printed at “The Mercury” Office Hobart in 1888. Bound in original salmon pink paper covered boards, lxvii pages ,289 pages plus 43 lithographic plates mainly of botanical items at the rear. Other folding plates and tables some of significant interest.

    Many papers demonstrating the broad range of intellect in Tasmania at that time.

    Much on fish and the introduction of salmon by Saville-Kent. New botanical discoveries … a short paper on the Comets of 1880 and 1887 with a useful chart … a surprising paper on the orbit of Alpha Centauri. Topographically Colonel Legge’s paper on the Highlands of Lake St Clair is of a high standard and the lengthy review of the Tertiary Rock of Australia by the esteemed R.M. Johnston similarly with many folding tables accompanying this article.

    Showing some age and wear to the covers, see images, and some minor soiling lower down on a few of the preliminary pages, still a very good example of a scarce and worthy journal.

    Substantial Journal with a broad range of Tasmanian interests – many engraved plates.


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  • Manuscript Letter – Italian Astronomer Giuseppe Armellini – Portorecanati – 19th August 1922

    Manuscript Letter – Italian Astronomer Giuseppe Armellini – Portorecanati – 19th August 1922

    Returning proofs and with suggestions of a mathematical nature based on “derivate ordinaries” … ordinary derivatives. Our calculus a little rusty as also our Italian … appears to be connected to Maxwell’s Laws.

    Giuseppe Armellini (1887-1958) was born and died in Rome. He was Professor of Physics and Astronomy at several Italian Universities and Director of the Rome Astronomical Observatory for over 30 years. It was in the year of this letter [1922] that he took up his position at the Observatory of the Campidoglio which in 1936 he transferred to Monte Mario. A fire destroyed the Observatory in 1957 … inconsolable Armellini died the following year.

    Armellini published several works … the first, in 1911, based on Newtonian principles. Over his career he developed several theories and principles. He will be forever known for Armellini’s Law {in 1922 also] which determines mathematically the distances of the planets from the sun in our solar system. The key to this understanding is the Armellini constant “D” … which is 1.53 but you must start at minus 2 for Mercury. Curiosities exist in its application … from them Armellini is awarded the honour of having predicted the large asteroid/ minor planet Chiron which was not confirmed until well after his death.

    Armellini explained the Solar System – Manuscript letter with Scientific content


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  • The Martyrs of Science, or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler – Sir David Brewster – Special Binding – 1856

    The Martyrs of Science, or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler – Sir David Brewster – Special Binding – 1856

    Published by John Murray, London in 1856. Small octavo 216 pages after preliminaries. Bound extravagantly in full purple Morocco, with rich gilt decoration to both boards and spine, the upper board with the arms of Milton Abbat School … a fine prize. A little rubbed externally, bright throughout.

    Sir David Brewster (1781-1868) was a Scottish scientist, inventor, academic. He was Principal at St Andrews and then Edinburgh University. Newtonian devotee and master in optics (hence his interest in the subjects of this book) he discovered Brewster’s Angle and pioneered mineralogical observations with the microscope. Inventor of the stereoscopic camera and kaleidoscope. He has a crater on the Moon named after him … the ultimate accolade.

    Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler need less introduction.

    Nobody has been closer to the stars


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