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19th Century and Prior Classics

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  • Covent Garden Drollery: Printed at The Whitefriars Press for the Fortune Private Press 1927

    Covent Garden Drollery: Printed at The Whitefriars Press for the Fortune Private Press 1927

    A seriously special book. Octavo, vi,2,123pages bound in quarter cloth over paper boards, in pictorial speckled paper dust jacket. Illustrated frontispiece, facsimile title from 1672 first, decorated with vignettes. A lovely reprint of the original work. Couldn’t be a better copy.

    Subtitled .. A Collection of all the Choice Songs, Poems, Prologues and Epilogues, Sung and Spoken at Courts and Theaters, never printed before. Written by the refined’st Witts of the Age. And collected by A.B. With explanatory notes at the end. Edited by Montague Summers (1880-1948) author and clergyman, who wrote on the occult.

    This book is numbered 342 of a limited number of 575 copies. All printed on English unbleached handmade paper … absolutely lovely paper.

    Drollery from the past still amusing in the present and beautifully presented


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  • Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, Who Liv’d Five and Forty Years Undiscovered at Paris; Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan of Constantinople of the Most Remarkable Transactions in Europe – Complete in Eight Volumes.  Giovanni Paolo Marana – 1748

    Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, Who Liv’d Five and Forty Years Undiscovered at Paris; Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan of Constantinople of the Most Remarkable Transactions in Europe – Complete in Eight Volumes. Giovanni Paolo Marana – 1748

    A very nice set of this almost legendary work, complete and unusually in their original bindings. Fictional letters claiming to have been written by an Ottoman spy named “Mahmut the Arabian” embedded in the French Court of Louis XIV.

    Published in London by Wilde, Ballard and others in 1748. Eight volumes (Over 600 letters in all), duodecimo, engraved frontispiece to Vol I, full contemporary calf, spines gilt, some joints a bit cracked but holding. A twelfth edition of a great publishing success of the 18thC which would go on for a further fifty years.

    Contemporary bookplate of Robert Midgley dated 1748 so the first owner. And the modern book label of Edward John Kenny the Latinist of Peterhouse College, Cambridge University, visiting at Harvard etc.

    A journal of gossip and anecdotes on politics and events and shenanigans going on in France at the time.

    Written in Italian by Giovanni Paola Marana (1642-1693) a Genoese refugee in the Court of the said Louis XIV. He completed the first volume of 102 letters, and had it translated to French and published in Paris in 1684-1686. Other volumes were published as they were completed over time. English translations by William Bradshaw became available in 1687. Later volumes issued first in English in London leading some to believe they were not by Marana. However, the consistency in style and use of words really points to Marana as being the author of the full set, not doubt with the help of translators and editors of the day.

    Well liked by Daniel Defoe who wrote an aptly named “Continuation of Turkish Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy in Paris” … a sort of 18thC sequel.

    Incidentally, the last owner Professor Kenny used to gauge his candidates by seeing how nice they were to his cat Fufu … it became known as the Fufu test … that’s Latin for you.

    The Turkish Spy – A Classic By Marana


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  • Ungava: A Tale of Esquimax-Land – Robert M. Ballantyne

    Ungava: A Tale of Esquimax-Land – Robert M. Ballantyne

    One of the most prolific writers of adventure for the young Scottish born Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825-1894) went to Canada at the age of 16. There he worked for six years for the Hudson Bay Company. In his autobiography he said that writing long letters to his mother on the goings on of the fur traders was the stimulus behind his first books.

    His first was “The Hudson Bay Company” and then “The Young Fur Traders” … this book was his fourth. He went on to pen over 100 books to the delight of his adventure seeking followers.

    An early 20th century edition published by Nelson, London. Octavo, 509 pages, blue cloth covered boards with sailing ship design and design to spine, coloured frontispiece. A very good copy indeed.

    A party of explorers head into Eskimo territory to establish a fur trading post at Ungava Bay. Situated in the Nunavik region of Quebec.

    Ballantyne in one of those “live there did that” adventures.


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  • The Realms of Gold [Greek Legends] – George Baker

    The Realms of Gold [Greek Legends] – George Baker

    Originally published in 1954 this is a fine copy of the 1960 reissue. Published by the University of London Press, octavo, 262 pages, illustrated with drawing in the classic style, end paper maps. Very good near find condition with a fine dust jacket.

    Baker a published classicist retells Greek myths and legends in a very readable enjoyable style. Beginning with the quarrel that was to start the Trojan War. Then, the adventures of Perseus and the slaying of the Gorgon. Hercules freeing Athens and the terrible Minotaur. The Quest of the Golden Fleece with a capital “Q”. the wanderings of Odysseus …. To the settlement of the Trojan survivors in Italy and the foundation of Rome.

    The Greek Legends – no Latin required …


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  • Manila Galleon [Anson’s Voyage] – F van Wyck mason – First Edition 1961.

    Manila Galleon [Anson’s Voyage] – F van Wyck mason – First Edition 1961.

    An unusual one from the Anson’s Voyage Cannon … the novelisation of the dramatic events by American author Francis van Wyck Mason.

    First UK edition published by Hutchinson, London in 1961. Octavo, 490 pages plus appendices and explanatory forward. Dust jacket a bit tattered cloth covered boards a bit flecked. Nice and clean inside, end paper charts etc. A pretty good copy of an interesting read.

    The story of Anson’s voyage to put it about the Spanish in the Pacific and steal their gold [lots of it] from the “Manila Galleon” is a remarkable one. Several books from the period, mid 18th century, and many afterwards. Our author was languishing in a London hospital bed in 1946 when he read the interesting contemporary account of Pascoe Thomas … like many he was hooked on the broader story from then … it took a while to read the other volumes, assimilate the basis of his historical story and finalise this weighty fact based novel. We love it.

    The Manila Galleon – Anson’s Prize


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  • Kidnapped – Robert Louis Stevenson – 1950′s Dakers Edition

    Kidnapped – Robert Louis Stevenson – 1950′s Dakers Edition

    Published by Adam Dakers, London in the 1950’s, part of their Hamlyn Classic Series.

    Octavo, 204 pages, with vibrant coloured frontispiece and our favourite Kidnapped dust jacket. The book is in good condition albeit evenly toned throughout probably due to a post war experiment in having this series printed in Czechoslovakia.

    Vies with Treasure Island as RLS’s most important book … in Scotland no doubt their favourite.

    Kidnapped everyone should have one


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