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  • The Lure of Unknown Lands – North Pole and Equator – Major F.G. Jackson – First Edition 1935

    The Lure of Unknown Lands – North Pole and Equator – Major F.G. Jackson – First Edition 1935

    A first edition published by G. Bell, London in 1935. Large octavo, 342 pages, 44 illustrations from period photographs and three maps … North Russia; Franz Joseph Land and Central Africa. No dust jacket but otherwise a very good copy.

    The maps are large folding and in super condition … the Franz Joseph map is a classic of exploration.

    Frederick Jackson (1860-1938) probably the most unsung exploration hero of all time … a little like Hubert Wilkins. Prior to this late life summary as achievements he produced tow great classics … The Great Frozen Land [See Our Copy] and A Thousand Days in the Arctic (Both Voyager Favourites). Famously met Nansen in the Arctic frozen wastes with the Stanley /Livingston like greeting “You are Nansen – aren’t you?” .. the later having been lost for over a winter and had no clue where he actually was … saved by Jackson. The photograph of the meeting was reconstructed after Nansen had a chance to tidy up!

    Despite the title the book starts in Western Queensland and the lead up to that is most interesting. Soon we are at Waigate Island, quite a contrast and the journey from Khabarova to to Archangel. Then the big event .. the Jackson – Harmsworth Polar Expedition … Franz Josef Land … winter, new discoveries and dangers and that extraordinary meeting. Further North and eventually a third winter. After all of this cold weather and excursion to war Jackson explores Central Africa and Liberia. What a life …

    Jackson in the cold and the hot – super account


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  • Narrative of the Wreck of HMS Porpoise –  Robert Purdie [A Flinders Item]

    Narrative of the Wreck of HMS Porpoise – Robert Purdie [A Flinders Item]

    Octavo, xiv, 134 pages, published by Hordern House in 2014. A very good copy.

    Robert Purdie was a young surgeon who was wrecked on HMS Porpoise on a reef off the Queensland coast (to become known as “Wreck Reef’’). This was the vessel originally taking Matthew Flinders back the England having completed his coastal survey of Australia, confirming the entirety of the land mass. Purdie’s account had been published anonymously in The Naval Chronicle in 1807/07. He had been a junior officer on the Investigator and was among those that stayed on the reef whilst Flinders and other rowed back to Sydney to successfully mount a rescue.

    The narrative is lively, informative and readable … here well presented with an excellent introduction and notes by Matthew Fishburn

    Flinders and Wreck Reef by Surgeon’s Mate Purdie.


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  • (Australian) Settlers Camp – Newton & Co  – Original Magic Lantern Slide – c1900

    (Australian) Settlers Camp – Newton & Co – Original Magic Lantern Slide – c1900

    Very good condition magic lantern slide from Newton & Co, Fleet Street, London circa 1900, maybe earlier.

    We date the slide to around 1900. New & Co were at 43 Museum Street London. They were the world’s longest established suppliers of scientific instruments being formed by Sir Isaac Newton’s cousin J. Newton in 1704. At the time of this slide the proprietors were still from the Newton family. The British Museum have Newton & Co out of business at Museum Street in 1913, but other references have it continuing.

    The handwritten slide description included BGG who we presume is the photographer although we cannot find him in any records so far.

    An interesting moment in the bush, very dry condition. We suspect that the two forward characters are having a break from working on the sizable log in front. The gent at the rear, heavily dressed suggesting winter conditions and perhaps well away from the coast. Super detail on magnification. Standard British size in fine condition. We believe this slide and image is pretty rare not being able to place it elsewhere.

    Newton & Co’s address is in sight of the British Museum in London and also opposite The Plough …a favourite Voyager pub.

    Settler Camp we suspect in the Queensland bush


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  • Destination Barrier Reef – Arnold Lock – First Edition 1955

    Destination Barrier Reef – Arnold Lock – First Edition 1955

    Published by Georgian House, Melbourne a first edition 1955. Octavo, 227 pages, illustrated with numerous images from photographs taken by the author. End paper maps. Some dust jacket repairs, generally a nice copy. Super dust jacket art.

    A well put together book, by traveler Arnold Lock, of Queensland along the Great Barrier Reef .. we particularly like the Hinchinbrook / Cardwell section. Despite the title quite a bit in the Torres Strait and particularly Badu Island (a favourite of contemporary Idriess) and the pearling industry. Don’t whatever you do step on a stone fish … not nice.

    The Barrier Reef and further “Up” before the tourist got there … well most of them


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  • A Census of the Fossil Foraminifera of Australia – Howchin – 1893 – From Robart Logan Jack’s Library

    A Census of the Fossil Foraminifera of Australia – Howchin – 1893 – From Robart Logan Jack’s Library

    A paper read at the Adelaide Meeting of the Australasian Association for the advancement of Science – September 1893.

    Walter Howchin was an English born, Clarke Medal winning geologist who lectured at the Adelaide School of Mines. This paper presents in tabular form a complete list of the fossil foraminifera then know in Australia and is a mighty piece of work encapsulated in 24 page paper.

    Original pink paper wrappers now reinforced at the hinge. Bound in Walter Howchin’s personal compliments slip … R. L. Jack Esq added in in manuscript by the receiver … also his name to front pink cover. Robert Logan jack being the distinguished explorer, geologist, author of the book on the history of Exploration in the Far North “Northmost Australia”. Logan Jack was to follow Daintree as the Queensland Appointed Geologist.

    Interesting piece of scientific ephemera with Logan Jack ownership.



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  • Brisbane City Medal Celebrating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee 1897

    Brisbane City Medal Celebrating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee 1897

    Minted by Stokes and Sons, 31 mm diameter circa 14 gms weight. Reference Carlisle 1897/43

    Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee was celebrated with enthusiasm around the Commonwealth. This medal was issued by the Municipality of Brisbane to celebrate the event.

    On the obverse we have Jugate busts of a young and older Queen Victoria, around Queen Victoria’s 60th Year of Reign *1837 to 1897* … mint name Stokes & Sons in tiny letter on the rim below the date.

    The reverse has at its centre within a wide rim the Shield of the Municipality, quartered with top left … horses, sheep and bull; top right … farmer with plough, wheat sheaf and spade; bottom left early steam-ship and lighthouse; bottom right … sailing ship at Brisbane Port loading produce including bale of wool and barrels. Around the rim *Municipality of Brisbane* Incorporated 1859.

    Collectable Victoriana Unique to Brisbane.


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