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Poetry and Plays and Music Scores

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  • Fire-Bird – A Study of D.H. Lawrence – Dallas Kenmare – First Edition 1951

    Fire-Bird – A Study of D.H. Lawrence – Dallas Kenmare – First Edition 1951

    A quality book on D.H.L. published by James Barrie, London a First Edition in 1951.

    The author Dallas Kenmare was fascinated by the poetry of Lawrence and it’s the great man’s poetry that is the focus of this unique book. Written in 1951 so before Penguin had a shot at publishing Lady Chatterly’s Lover – Kenmare has a view on that prospect which is a tad old-fashioned to modern views.

    Slim octavo, 81 pages, all in very good condition with a nice example of the dark fire-bird dust jacket.

    D.H. Lawrence get to know the man better with Fire-Bird [Reference Lawrence Phoenix] …


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  • [Music Theme] Violin with Score Bookends  – By Marion Bronze c1940’s

    [Music Theme] Violin with Score Bookends – By Marion Bronze c1940’s

    Delightful pair of weighty bookends. Stand 8cm high and weigh 2.8kg the pair. A few bumps but overall, pretty good. A great present for the musically gifted. Made by Marion and Arthur France in their cottage factory in New Jersey.

    Marion Bronze – Bookends

    Marion Bronze was a Mom and Pop business. Marion and Arthur France started making bookends and other decorative items in 1922 in the sheds behind their house at Metuchen, New Jersey. They continued to do this until the mid-1950’s when the business was put up for sale.

    The image of the house comes from the actual business sale document which Voyager found through a website run by Marion and Arthur’s grandchildren who could remember waiting on the porch of this fine cottage – waiting for Grandpa to finish his daily toil in the shed at the back of the yard.

    The Encyclopaedia of Bookends by Kuritzky states that the history of Marion Bronze is very sketchy, and they do not even have the information above.

    What they do have is numerous examples of Marion Bronze items as they were bought as a collection from a New York City landlord who had found them in an abandoned apartment. The tenant had been an employee of Marion Bronze and had brought home over fifty examples of their w


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  • The Charge of the Light Brigade – Alfred Lord Tennyson

    The Charge of the Light Brigade – Alfred Lord Tennyson

    The most unusual and dramatic presentation of this high energy poem about the “Charge of the Light Brigade” against the Russian Batteries at Balaclava on 25th October 1854. It didn’t go well.

    Landscape presentation with this unusual London Evening Star cover.

    Published by Golden Press New York in collaboration with Paul Hamlyn in London in 1964. Unpaginated but twenty plus pages of verse strikingly illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen probably America’s best ever illustrators of book for young people … this one with a much more adult tone .. a work of art really.

    Tennyson and his “Charge” best presentation


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  • The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    The Divine Sarah – A Life of Sarah Bernhardt – Gold and Fitdale

    Large octavo, 349 pages, plus addenda and after introductions. Published by Harpers in 1992. Nicely illustrated from period photographs etc. A very good near fine copy.

    The adventurous Bernhardt not satisfied with being the most admired actor of the 19thC took to some strange activities … riding whales, collecting exotic animals, early ballooning and, was a accomplished artist and sculptor.

    Sarah Bernhardt we love her at Voyager


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  • Sete – Images of Provence – Seven Poems by Count Potocki of Montalk; Five Drawings by Marjorie Jackson- Pownall – Limited Numbered Eccentric Private Press

    Sete – Images of Provence – Seven Poems by Count Potocki of Montalk; Five Drawings by Marjorie Jackson- Pownall – Limited Numbered Eccentric Private Press

    A scarce work by the rather odd Count Potocki of Montalk. Number sixty five of 120 copies set by hand by Count Potocki of Montalk, [which] have been printed by hand and foot by him.

    Produced in the aforementioned style at The Melissa Press, Villa Vigoni, Chemin de St Martin, Draguignan, Var France – the authors home – 1972.

    Printed on Fabriano watermarked paper – we are told in the introduction that “we went to Italy expressly to buy the art paper on which to print Marjorie Jackson-Pownall’s charming drawings, with their unambiguous clarity” ….

    Large octavo, 18 pages, bound quarter green cloth over papered [wallpaper?] boards – a fine copy.

    Copyright and limitation page, title, charming rather haphazard introduction, the poems and drawings – hints of risqué … see below authors background – artwork neat.

    The Count was born in New Zealand in 1903. He is generally described as a poet, polemicist and pretender to the Polish throne – he did genuinely have connections. In 1926 he deserted his wife and child for Europe and the arts. First, to England where he developed his extreme right-wing views knew Mosley but, appears to have been more interested in Mosley’s wife. Moved to Draguignan in southern France after WWII mixed with fellow arty folks in the region and printed several unusual private press items. Backtrack – in England in the 1930’s he was sent to prison for attempting to publish what was then regarded as obscene literature – “the Lament of Sir John Penis” along with translations of Rabelais and Verlaine. He was supported in court by Leonard and Virgina Woolf. Aldous Huxley later arranged bail for another skirmish with the law and funded the purchase of Potocki’s first printing press.

    Potocki was a truly odd one – often went about dressed in what he thought was medieval garb – tights, satin pyjamas all wrapped up in velvet curtains etc.

    The eccentric Count Potocki of Montalk – a unique item


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  • The True-born English-man: A Satyr – Daniel Defoe – 1716

    The True-born English-man: A Satyr – Daniel Defoe – 1716

    A rare item by Daniel Defoe. The scarce “enlarged” edition printed and sold by James Roberts in 1716.

    Small pocket sized 12mo, 12, 26 pages, bound in contemporary calf backed boards, some age and wear but solid and rare in this original state.

    First edition thus. After the accession of Hanover Defoe added a new passage of 49 lines satirizing the English temper. It was hastily published and contains a number of hasty error which ironically confirm its pedigree

    A True-born English-man, satirical poem of length about xenophobia … a few could learn from it today. Dutch born William of Orange has become King of England, and there was much tittle tattle about his lack of Englishness. Defoe, forever a wit, wrote this is support of old William of O, ridiculing the notion of English racial purity. Well the evidence is there.

    Defoe … much quoted from his opening rant

    “that het’rogeneous thing, an Englishman:
    In eager rapes, and furious lust begot
    Betwixt a painted Britain and a Scot
    Whose gend’ring off-spring quickly learn’d to bow,
    And yoke their heifers to the Roman plough:
    From whence a mongrel half-bred race there came,
    With neither name, nor nation, speech nor fame.
    In whose hot veins new mixtures quickly ran,
    Infused betwixt a Saxon and a Dane
    While their rank daughters, to their parents just,
    Receiv’d all nations with promiscuous lust.
    This nauseous brood directly did contain
    The well-extracted blood of Englishmen.”

    Daniel Defoe and his True-born a delicious antiquarian rarity


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