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  • Unique New Guinea Item – C.A.W Monckton’s Trilogy of His Adventures in New Guinea; Fact of Fiction – A Thesis by Nancy Lutton

    Unique New Guinea Item – C.A.W Monckton’s Trilogy of His Adventures in New Guinea; Fact of Fiction – A Thesis by Nancy Lutton

    Submitted to the University of Papua New Guinea as part of a BA in History in December 1972. Nancy Lutton was born in Sydney in 1931 and lived in PNG from 1967-1980 where she was the New Guinea Collection Librarian. As well as academic works she published “My Dearest Brown Eyes” the letters between Sir Donald Cleland and his wife during WWII. She was awarded an MBE in 1981.

    This 92 page plus map thesis is most provoking as it explores the character of Charles Monckton a New Zealander (born 1873) who found himself in New Guinea in 1897 and under MacGregor was given the post as resident magistrate Eastern Division. He carried out explorations but after criticism of his cruel practices resigned in 1907 and went to London where he wrote three books “Some Experiences of a Resident Magistrate” (1920), “Last Days in New Guinea” (1922) and “New Guinea Recollections” (1934). Nancy Lutton concludes that the first two books though biased in judgement were factually correct whilst the third book sullied his reputation in an attempt to exonerate himself. Nancy Lutton wrote his lengthy entry in the “Australian Dictionary of Biography” and her conclusions are based on this thesis.

    True Monckton Personality Revealed


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  • Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland – 1904

    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland – 1904

    Printed for the society by H. Pole & Co Elizabeth Street Brisbane 1904. 213; xiiipp. 8vo. Original wrappers. 7 Black and white plates in sound condition – repair to front wrapper.

    Excellent articles by F. Manson Bailey on Contributions to the New Guinea Flora; J. Douglas Ogilby on Studies in the Ichthyology of Queensland; John Thomson on Colour Sight and Colour Blindness; Joseph Lauterer on Naturalised and Acclimatised plants in various parts of the world; W. R. Colledge on Notes on the “Scots Gray” Mosquito; Hon A. Norton on Notes on Travel 1859-60 (From Sydney Westwards and down the Darling River); Hon A. Norton on From Sydney to Bathurst in 1822; A. Jefferis Turner on A Preliminary revision of the Australian Thyrididae and Pyralidae; J. Douglas Ogilby on Australian Crocodiles.

    Royal Society of Queensland – 1904


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  • Australia with Notes by the Way on Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay and the Holy Land – Jobson -1862

    Australia with Notes by the Way on Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay and the Holy Land – Jobson -1862

    Published in London by Hamilton Adams & Co in 1862. First edition. Original cloth covers 281 pages. Missing frontispiece with new endpapers otherwise a strong and fine copy. Detailed account of travels taking in the Ballarat gold diggings – a very good narrative. An important mid Victorian account well written and easily read.

    1862 First edition Australiana


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  • A Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent settlements in Van Diemen’s land .. Wentworth No 33 of 50 Facsimile Signed by Grandson

    A Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent settlements in Van Diemen’s land .. Wentworth No 33 of 50 Facsimile Signed by Grandson

    A Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent settlements in Van Diemen’s land, with a particular enumeration of the advantages which these colonies offer for emigration ….

    Book description: Limited facsimile edition of 1819 original published by Doubleday, Sydney 1978. Thick octavo, 466 pp., half leather and cloth in fine condition. This is number 33 of a special edition of only 50 copies signed by W.C Wentworth the great grandson of the author who also wrote the forward.

    This was the first original work to be published by a native born Australian. Wentworth, the “Australian patriot” and chief founder of the system of colonial self-government, was born on Norfolk Island, then a penal dependency of New South Wales, where his father was the government surgeon. His enthusiastic and glowing description of the colony, which he argued was far superior to the United States as a field settlement, played a major role in attracting many new free emigrants. Also expounded are Wentworth’s on parliamentary self government, a goal which was eventually achieved in 1842.

    A most interesting and detailed account

    imited copy 33 of 50 only signed by great grandson of Wentworth


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  • Shipwrecks & Sea Tragedies – Hugh Edwards

    Shipwrecks & Sea Tragedies – Hugh Edwards

    Australian and New Zealand Shipwrecks & Sea Tragedies.
    A nicely illustrated book on Australian and New Zealand shipwrecks. Cyclones, cannibals and convicts – what a mix

    Wreck in perspective


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  • Original Anthropological Work – Some Aspects of Time Reckoning Among Selected African Tribes – James PhD Oxford 1956

    Original Anthropological Work – Some Aspects of Time Reckoning Among Selected African Tribes – James PhD Oxford 1956

    Original Anthropological Work – Some Aspects of Time Reckoning Among Selected African Tribes – Greta James – PhD Thesis Oxford 1956

    This is a superb PhD thesis the author gaining a Oxford doctorate 1956. A near unique work (one copy only in the Bodlean Library). Contains 245 typed pages (one side) with tables, maps, bibliography etc.

    A major work on the significance of the sense of time, the calendar, cosmology, western influences, lunar zodiacs of various African tribes including those from the West, East and Southern Bantu. From the time of day measured and described by reference to cattle activity, the lunar cycle and the best and worst times for initiation or making spears, the zodiac and the bearing of the Pleiades in planting and harvesting crops to the naming of years gone such as “Blades of Herbs” (1867), “Year of the Ostrich” (1888) and sadly “Smallpox” (1894) and “Venereal Disease” (1903)

    A most interesting and valuable work on African tribes


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