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French Language or translation from or about the French

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  • Three Beds in Manhattan – Georges Simenon – First English Edition

    Three Beds in Manhattan – Georges Simenon – First English Edition

    Published by Hamish Hamilton London, a first English edition 1976. Translated from the French by Lawrence G. Blochman.

    Octavo, 186 pages, fine dust jacket, all in super condition.

    Two lonely people meet in Greenwich Village and a night filled with drink propels them into intimacy but they may be too afraid to believe a new life might have begun. Reality that is Simenon.

    The sensitive side of Simenon


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  • Secret Memoirs of  the Duke and Dutchess of O***** (Orleans) –  Madame d’Aunoy – First Edition 1708

    Secret Memoirs of the Duke and Dutchess of O***** (Orleans) – Madame d’Aunoy – First Edition 1708

    Title continues … Intermix’d with the Amorous Intrigues and Adventures of the Most Eminent Princes of The Court of France

    Made into English from the Paris Edition. Published in London, and printed by S.P.R. Burrough and J. Baker in Cornhill E. Curll without Temple Bar. E Sanger at the Post-House, and A Collins at the Black Boy on Fleetstreet, and Sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1708

    First English edition translated from the French of the 1690’s. Small octavo, 293. Strange pagination as the printer obviously had his pages mixed up so several times out of order but text runs exactly. Rebound in full leather, in period style by Roger Perry. Four raised bands with separate red leather title label to second compartment. Blind rules to bands and board edges. A delightful item.

    An expose of the amorous goings on of the Duke and Duchess of Orleans. The Duchess was Henrietta of England (1644-1670) youngest daughter of King Charles I. She fled England at the age of three with her governess for the French Court. She married King Louis XIV brother Philippe Duke of Orleans. Phillipe a reputed bisexual had been party to a series of sexual scandals prior to the marriage which was secured after the restoration of the Monarchy in England by a dowry from her brother Charles II.

    An interesting piece if factually based fiction and not at all vulgar.

    The author Madame d’Aulnoy was Marie Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Baroness d’Aulnoy (1650-1705). Lucky to have got away with it we would say.

    Early expose of the amorous lives of the Duke and Duchess of Orleans.


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  • Les Voila! – Gazette du Bon Ton Pochoir – Andre Marty -1920

    Les Voila! – Gazette du Bon Ton Pochoir – Andre Marty -1920

    Beautiful and one of our favourite hand coloured pochoir by Andre Marty (1882-1974) for the Paris Gazette du Bon Ton published in June 1920.

    “Les Voila” with summer dresses by Doeuillet.

    The ultimate in fashion print from a perfect era.

    Price unframed $160.00

    Stylish summer and I can see it too!


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  • The Reckoning – Georges Simenon

    The Reckoning – Georges Simenon

    Published by Hamish Hamilton, London in 1984 a first English edition.

    Translated by Emily Read, tall octavo 124 pages all in very good condition with a nice dust jacket designed by Craig Dodd based on the painting “Maxime Dethomas at the Opera Ball” by Toulouse Lautrec.

    Jules Maletras strangles the unattractive Lulu out of jealousy. Rich and retired he is glad it is all over but he has to cover his tracks and it gets complicated. .

    Simenon and crime like fine wine


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  • The Region of Lorraine (Lotharingia) France – Petrus Bertius – Published 1603

    The Region of Lorraine (Lotharingia) France – Petrus Bertius – Published 1603

    An original copper engraved miniature map of the Provence of Lorraine, North East France.

    Bertius include this map in his most successful “Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri” published by Cornelis Claesz in Amsterdam. This example comes from the 1603 edition of “Tabularum” and was likely engraved by Pieter van den Keere.

    Lotharingia was a medieval successor kingdom of the Carolingian Empire. It comprised modern day Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, parts of Germany and Lorraine. It was formed circa 855 AD. Over time changes took place and it was divided into an upper and lower region. The lower region was effectively Lorraine which was not ceded to France until 1737 following the War of the Polish Succession.

    The principal towns of Metz, Nancy, Toul, Remiremont, Raon, Bellemont, Thionville and Espinal are noted with nice detail of rivers and wooded areas. The region of Lorraine is now part of the region Grand-Est

    Map dimensions to the extent of the engraved image 135mm by 90mm. Excellent condition.

    Petrus Bertius (1565-1629) was born the son of a Flemish minister a Baveren, Flanders. He became a religious refugee and moved and settled in Amsterdam. In 1577. After finishing his studies he was appointed Professor of Mathematics at the University of Leiden. He became a prolific writer on mathematics, history and theology. He also gained renown as a geographer and publisher of magnificent atlases. Later in life, in 1618 he became cosmographer and historiographer to Louis XIII of France. He died in Paris in 1629

    Price $190.00 framed in Voyager miniature map style withing gilt fillet, burgundy mat and beaded gilt frame. ready to hang.


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  • La Princesse de Cleves – Madame de la Fayette – With Aquarelle by Edith Follet – 1920′s

    La Princesse de Cleves – Madame de la Fayette – With Aquarelle by Edith Follet – 1920′s

    The original novel was published anonymously in 1678. This is the stunning 1920’s production by Nilsson, Paris and contains ten striking tipped in aquarelles (watercolours) as well as the beautiful front cover by Edith Follet.

    In the French language, quarto soft covers (protected0, 186 pages in very good condition. All the aquarelle bright and clean.

    La Princesse de Cleves is regraded by many as the first psychological novel and is regarded as a classic. The story takes place between 1558 and 1559 at the Royal Court of Henry II of France. The novel reflects that era with precision. The characters mainly (apart from the heroine) represent real individual and the events that unfold are faithful to the historical record.

    Striking beautiful illustrations by Follet


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